
How can I prove that I wasn't at fault in a car accident I was ticketed for?

by  |  earlier

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Long story short - in an accident. I was driving my car along the route I take 4 days a week, there fore I am well aware of how the lights work. Weather conditions were fine. I stop at one intersection's red light. Up ahead, about 8-10 cars lengths, is the next set of lights. When my set of lights changed green I proceeded. It's a 50km zone and I am aware of this as well. After passing the intersection I swicthed to my left lane. Now, every time I've ever driven thru here during peak hours (9am this day) once that 1st set of lights I stopped at turns green, the next set turns green not even 30 seconds later. I assume to keep the flow of traffic as it would get quite congested otherwise. This day though, I noticed a large transfer truck make a wide right turn from this intersection, and then out of no where was the truck I ended up t-boning. I got the ticket for failing to yeild to a traffic signal. I dont think it was my fault tho. Can I prove the lights would have been with me?




  1. Only with a witness my friend who could verify that you did not jump the lights

  2. I really dont see how you can do this unless you can find a wittiness that will sign an affidavit to this..............................

  3. you can't prove it. fight it and most likely lose or just pay the fine

  4. You would have to go to court and take a chance. Much better "grin and bear it" Think of all the times that you`ve gotten away with mistakes in the past and not got caught.

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