
How can I prove water isn't wet?

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How can I prove water isn't wet?




  1. Since water IS wet, that would be a pretty hard thing to prove.  I guess you could freeze it, but you would have to keep it below the freezing point while you are proving it. If you kept it in an area below freezing and placed a cold, absorbent, colored cloth on it you could show that it absorbs no water.  You could also weigh the cloth before and after to prove that no water was absorbed.  To avoid convection currents affecting your weights, the cloth should be at room temp for both the before and after weighings.

  2. the gas form isn't wet.. oh wait.. it is...

    u can't prove that... its 101% impossible...

  3. The sensation of "wet" is just a characteristic of many liquids. They are molecules just like cornstarch is molecules. But it all has to do with how a material (your skin or fabric) absorbs or repels those molecules. The lubricating properties of water molecules gives it a sensation we call "wet".

  4. You can't. Water is wet.

    Even if you frose it would be a little bit drier but, if you feel the outside of it and the melten areas of the ice it still would be wet.

  5. Turn it into a solid (ice)? Its still water, H20. Idk, just guessing.

  6. Water is made of molecules of fused hydrogen and oxygen. Unfortunately for most people, the sensation of "wetness" is just a sensation. It really is just the particles "feel", for they are really just the same as everything else. Just particles.

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