
How can I pull out a tooth (painlessly)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14, and I still have 3 teeth left to lose; go ahead, laugh it up. :P

Anyways, my orthodontist said to try to get those teeth out soon. I've been wiggling them, but they don't seem to be getting any looser. I want to get them out on my own; in other words, please don't suggest I ask my dentist or orthodontist to do it.

I need ways I can do at home. I can't go buy anything, such as that Orajel stuff or whatever.

Thank you in advance. :)




  1. that happened to me too sadly

    my dentist even set up a date to pull my tooth out

    I was scared to death

    so one night I was like this is it im pulling it out

    haha and it was just a little bit loose

    I pulled that sucker out


    it hurt but it was worth it

    Just ignore the pain or try to

    toughen it up ahah

  2. Ice it, then wiggle it HARD. When it's a bit looser, bit into an apple, making sure you bite directly on the loose tooth/teeth. If that doesn't work, just keep wiggling and twisting it until it becomes loose enough to yank out! Good luck. :)

  3. well 4 me it doesnt really hurt. but i wait till it lose enough to pull myself. all i do is just rip it right out it doesnt hurt but just a pinch. or u can rub an ice cube on it then pull it out.

  4. drink ICE watter, meaning FREZZING water and rubb ice around you tooth

    and pull it off with your life, it shouldnt hurt .

  5. Okay, I know I sound like a freak when I say this, but when I was little, I liked pulling out my teeth.  Hey, you get money and stuff.  I lost all of mine by the time fourth grade ended.  I'd force them loose.  I know it sounds painful, but it really isn't.  Once you've forced it pretty loose, pull on it a little bit so that it gets to that dangling point.  Get some gauze and rub it on your tooth to dry it off.  Holding on to your tooth, with the gauze, twist it around a few times and pull.  It doesn't hurt, I swear.

    ***Ylli's ice thing would help with the pain too***

  6. Get a nylon string, dental floss should work, make it pretty long, put the middle of the string around your tooth, holding the string tight with each hand, circle one end around you tooth, once the string goes down under the gum give a quick hard pull, it will cut the small tendon under the tooth and it will pop out. If you are afraid to do this then tie a loop around the tooth, tie the other end to a door k**b and slam the door. It really works, and no pain, just a little blood.

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