
How can I punish 12 year old daughter/teen when she talks back constantly?

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Lately she has just been so mouthy to me

yesterday she told me to shut up.

I took her cell away but she always says I don't care take it balh blah.

I have tried talking to her about it..nothing is working....




  1. you need to figure out wher her behavior is coming from her actions are coming from something she sees so if anyone around her talks back as well  or says shut up etc she will most likely do the same. aswell as taking away priv you should reward good behavior and even if your upset w each other try taling to her when she calms down. the same respect you give youll most likey get. a good smack in the mouth is up to you sometimes its the only way to make it stop and you shouldnt feel bad about it. but try to see where shes getting this from.  good luck.

  2. I say ignore her completely. When she doesn't like your cooking, let her make her own dinner. When she tells you she won't brush her teeth, let her have scummy teeth. She'll realize she needs order in her life, and that is what you're there for. To help your daughter through the good and the bad times. To love her. She will learn to respect you. That is my advice.

  3. My son is 12 and has started this as well. He doesn't have a cell phone or anything like that. But I removed the game systems from his room...along with the DVD player and TV. Of course you have to make them sit in there with NOTHING to do in order to think about the way they have been behaving. Just by giving them something to think about, "How would you feel if I spoke that way to you and treated you the way you treat me?", usually does the trick with my son. It may take a few days, but I bet an attitude adjustment will result. And that attitude adjustment will last a few weeks and then you're back at it again.

    Oh the joys of parenting a hormonal p*****n! :)

  4. i smack mine on the mouth.  as children they were given the "two fingers" on the mouth smack.  my husband and i do NOT tolerate sassin or back talk.  i have also told her there is a bar of soap with her name on it.  mine is only 11 but she has a twin brother too.  we started very young and they now KNOW what is expected of them.

  5. i would say beat her let her know you're in charge if you don't believe in beating take everything from her including privileges until she start acting right

  6. When she is mouthy, smack her butt hard,and add a smack for every offense that follows! Next time 2 then 3 and so on. She'll watch her mouth!

  7. When it comes to punishment, you have to find her currency that you've got control over.

    The phone is a start... I'm sure her saying "I don't care" is a way of denying she's being punished... but give it a few days to begin to 'hurt' and it might.  Of course she might also realize that YOU use the phone to contact HER, and therefore knows you're going to give it back soon.

    Other obvious examples include grounding her, limiting/cutting off the TV etc.  You just have to realize that some of these forms of punishment might hurt you, so think through the ramificatons before you start.

  8. take everything out of her room except a few changes of clothes and her bed. EVERYTHING! take her door off her hinges and then tell her everyday that she doesn't talk back or have an attitude she can have one thing back. my dad did this to me along with a spanking every time i talked back or had an attitude. it worked.

  9. bust her butt show her you are the parent and not her and don't take no c**p from her and take away any thing that makes her happy until  she starts acting right

    i dont think i would slap her in the face but like i said that butt would get it thats what belts and switches were made for

  10. Smack her in the mouth. She's not to old to need a gentle crack to the teeth ever once in a while. I'm not saying to abuse her, just a swift reminder that she needs to do as she's told and not talk back.

    It worked for me.

  11. She sounds like my sister used to. You must take control of the situation. even if that means you have to be the mean one. Start taking the things she loves away. No phone, no games, no life! Tell her  its time to straighten up, its your house your rules. My mom could not take my sisters mouth any more so she decided that every time my sister smarted back she would have her mouth washed out with soap. After two months my sister controlled her mouth, and regained her social life back.

  12. I would suggest sending her to her room, making her wait for a while, and then going and givng her bottom a good old-fashioned spanking. That should be effective as a punishment and teaching tool.

  13. I would take away her ability to sit down.

  14. Ground her. Send her to her room. Ignore her when she is mouthy.

    I still believe in a slap when kids go too far.

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