
How can I purify a substance to remove NaCl?

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The substance is acetanilide, what would be a procedure for the purification of this substance? To remove the impurity NaCl?




  1. Since your compound is an organic solid you can dissolve in a solvent that  NaCl will not dissolve:






    This should provide your desired compound in the organic phase and you just filter the salt.

    Conversely, you can add water and remove the salt and filter to obtain your product.

    I don't know the solubilities, but since your impurity is so polar, and your desired compound is organic there's no reason to do a crystallization.  

  2. purification

    In chemistry, the process of separating a mixture into its individual components, and removing impurities to achieve purity of a substance. The method of purification depends on the individual mixture but all depend on the physical properties of the substances. Most substances when first obtained are in an impure form. Common methods of purification include distillation and fractional distillation, pyrometallurgy (heating and melting), electrolysis, or electrometallurgy, and filtration.

    Metal refining

    When metal ores (raw metals) are extracted from rocks, they are mixed with rock material. The ores can be separated from these impurities by heating and melting, which allows the metals present to separate according to the differences in their densities. For example, iron is separated from iron ore (iron oxide) by heating the ore in a blast furnace. The iron oxide in the ore reacts with carbon monoxide to form iron and carbon dioxide. The molten iron is collected at the bottom of the blast furnace, and the impurities float on the surface as slag:

    Fe2O3 + 2CO → Fe + 3CO2

    Sodium metal can be extracted and purified by electrolysis in a Downs cell. For example, when molten sodium chloride is placed in the cell, the sodium will be attracted to the cathode and the non-metal chlorine to the anode:

    2NaCl → 2Na + Cl2

    Other metals purified by electrolysis are magnesium, aluminium, zinc, and copper.

    Purification of water

    Sea water is purified by desalination to produce pure water, either by distillation or by filtration through polymer materials to remove the salt molecules. Distillation is also used to extract sodium chloride, a solid residue more commonly known as table salt. Ships such as cruise liners use desalination processes to purify sea water for drinking.

    On land, the water supplied to towns and cities comes from lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. It is filtered to remove insoluble particles, and treated with chlorine disinfectants and other chemicals in order to kill bacteria and remove any other harmful substances, making it safe to drink.

    Fractional distillation of petroleum

    When extracted from the ground, crude oil (unrefined petroleum) is a mixture of hydrocarbons (different lengths of hydrogen and carbon chains), and impurities such as sulphur, water, salt, and soil. Crude oil is purified and refined by fractional distillation. The fractions are separated at different boiling points to obtain useful products. For example, petrol, jet fuel, and heating oil are separated at low boiling points, and lubricating oil and tar at high boiling points.

    HOPE i helped :D  

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