
How can I pursue my dreams when I have so many obligations?

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I'm 36 with adult responsibilities, single, no kids, and a demanding/time consuming job. I would love to pursue dreams and goals of mine but don't seem to have the time or the money to do so. I would love to quit my job & travel for a year but who's going to pay for my mortgage? It just seems I'm caught up in a vicious cycle in the matrix. My ex girlfriend is always pursuing something in her life. She's very ambitious & assertive with the things she want in life and she usually gets it until she gets bored and moves on to something else. on the other hand she is always broke, she's about to be homeless due to foreclosure, she took out too many loans to pay for her carefree lifestyle, & barely has a job. plus she has a little boy. I'm more responsible than that but is that what It takes? Just take irresponsible chances to fulfill my dreams and goals? Is there a more logical, mature, realistic way to chase your dreams & not sacrifice what you already worked hard for? please some advice?




  1. Why not make your "obligations" as an inspiration to move forward and reach your dreams

  2. Each person has the path the choose to take...some people are great risk taking these risk there is the possibility of gain but as well loss....dependent upon the amount of risk they are willing to take.

    I opt to be a risk taker but within moderation. To me it is more important to pay my mortage on a home that is mine. I own it and within a designated number of years it will be mine outright. The same applies for a demanding job - if the job pays well then stay with it until another opportunity is secured that will provide you with the same or more money in regard to salary.

    You can take irresponsible chances if you choose but be willing to deal with the circumstances that come with it inclusive of being homeless, having to possibly live of off some one else, living day to day......there is nothing wrong with risk taking but you have to the risk has baggage that comes with it and do you want to deal with it.

    I can take a risk to live way above my means. However, I need to be realistic in that terms such as deliquency, foreclosure, bankrutpcy, repossession, etc. may become a reality if I choose to do so.

    It is a personal choice that each person has to make.

    Also, on the other hand you have people who were risk takers and wound up millionaires........they guys from Google for example......I would assume that they were risk takers.

    Or Steve Jobs from Apple....Or Bill Gates from Microsoft...Or Oprah Winfrey...these are risk takers and it worked in their favor....However, I would assume that the put much thought into it before they took the respective risk and had a big picture in mind of what they wanted to attain.

  3. Everyone would like to leave everything behind and travel for a year or two.  Alas, life intrudes.  Separate your dreams from your goals.  Dreams are very nice but they are dreams.  Goals are more tangible - are they realistic?  What would you have to do to achieve any one of them?  How could you start?  What's a first little step?  Take one.

    Forget the year of travel - how 'bout a week?  Next vacation, do something different - go to Europe - go to London!  It's close and they speak (a form) of English.  Next time (next year, two years from now, you know, when you've saved a bit) - go to Paris or Venice.  Do your traveling a little at a time.  Take a winter vacation in Hawaii.

    I believe in the adult responsibilities of adults but I also believe that ruts are bad regardless of their comfort.  Move yourself out of your comfort zone - not all the time, just from time to time.  You'll be happier for it.  BTW, my first trip was Russia - alone!  (Hawaii was 2d)

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