
How can I put the tubing for rats OUTSIDE of the cage if there is wire?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting two rats and I want to put cool tubing outside of the cage but I dont know how to because the wire for the cage is in the way. Do I cut it or something? But then what if I want to move it around? PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. Well buy a wire cage that already has places to put tubing.Most come with like two tubes so if you want more buy extras. Also there is extra holes for extra tubes. So yeah that's about it. Hope this helped!

  2. i dont recomend cutting into it because rats will find even the smallest space and will chew their way out, try putting fun things inside like an old shoe that they can destroy to keep them entertained or you can do someting like this  ( )i think the rats would like it better if u put different things in there too like sand and dirt in with the bedding. good luck!

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