
How can I.................?

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How can I get my 3 year old son to stop sleeping in my bed as me and my boyfriend would like some alone time!!!




  1. check out this book by Dr. Marc Weisbluth

  2. u can move your son to the other room while hes sleeping

    or u can find someone to babysit and u can to hotel..?

  3. Your 3 year old needs to be on a bedtime schedule that includes going to sleep in his own bed, for his sake.  It may involve a few nights of a fussy 3 year old, but start by explaining to him that he is a "big boy" now and it is time for him to sleep in his bed.  If you can, something "new" for his "big boy bed" will go a long ways to help.  Then spend a few minutes with him getting him settled in bed -- reading a story, telling a story, etc., and finally, tuck him in and let him know that mommy loves him.  Tell him goodnight and leave the room.  If (more like when) he gets, gently take him back to his bed and again tuck him in, kiss him goodnight (whatever your routine is) and leave the room.  You may have to do this a lot because he has had 3 years of knowing he can get out of sleeping in his bed if he wants to.  You can't expect to undo 3 years of learning in 1 night.  

    Just continue to be loving, kind and firm and once you start do not waver.  Reinforce that he is loved and cherished, but he is also going to sleep in his bed.  It may take several nights, but he will benefit from it.  Children are dependent on their parents but they also need the opportunity to grow in self assurance.  When he understands that he can sleep in his own bed all by himself, he will have taken a giant step towards self assurance.  Good luck!

  4. Stay strong and insist that he sleep in his own room, in his own bed. The first 1 or 2 nights he will probly put up a good fight but it will get easier as the nights go on. But don't give in once you've started this new rule as he will then think that he has won, which he has. And you'll have to start all over.

  5. Well, obviously your son has a reason for wanting to sleep with you - he is looking for attention, security and love. Once he is alseep, why don't you move him? I sincerely hope your boyfriend is his father and it's not as it seems - that you're putting your boyfriend's needs ahead of your son's.

  6. Here is what I suggest.

    If you haven't already, buy a toddler bed for him and make him a big part of the decesion process. Make a really big deal about him getting a "big boy bed" And tell him that big boys have to sleep in there own beds.

    Also, if you don't have a baby gate, get one. Put it in front of his door (unless he's like my monkey and can climb over it). That way when he gets out of his bed he can't get out of his room. He may cry for a little while but it won't hurt him to get upset, as long as all his needs are met. Just let him know that he has to stay there.

    If the baby gate doesn't work, I saw on Nanny 911, that when the baby gets up out of bed and comes in your room, the first time, take them back to their room and put them in bed, tuck them in and tell them you love them and say you have to stay in your own room. The second and on time...just pick him up and put him back in his bed saying only that he has to stay there. It may take a few times, but he will eventually get the idea.

    He may find it to be a hard transition, after having you right there next to him all the time while he sleeps. Always let him know that you are close by if he really needs you. I would also try putting him to bed alot earlier then you and your husband go to bed. That way you aren't trying to deal with a screaming kid while you are trying to go to bed yourself. Good luck!

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