
How can I qualify for a postgraduate degree in the US or England with a Bachelor's Degree in Jamaica?

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Where can I get assistance to pay for it?




  1. To qualify for a postgraduate degree you must decide on which university in the U.S. you would like to study. I say this is your first choice because universities use many different third-parties to which you must submit your school transcripts to for vertification and to find the U.S. equivilent.

    You may find that your Bachelor's Degree from Jamacia is not a direct equivilent of its' American/British counterpart, meaning that additional courses, to make up the credits, will be needed before you are eligble to apply to a post-graduate program. You may also find that it is a direct equivilent and you can then proceed to submit the rest of your application to the university. So check the universities' website for information on how to apply as an international student and there you will find all of the information you require including application forms, the process, documentation needed and where to submit you transcripts for evaluation.

    Regarding assistance, the most common source of funding for postgraduate study is the department in which you plan to study. If you have not already done so, contact them and ask what financial aid options are available for international students. Then research non-university funding, look for outsde organizations for scholarships or grants.

    If there is nothing available, then it will be up to you to fund your own education through personal savings, funds from family and personal loans.

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