
How can I raise $3,000 legally?

by Guest32122  |  earlier

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I have to move out of my apartment, because my neighborhood is turning dangerous. I'm estimating my new place will be $1000.

I am an artist and illustrator and graphic designer, I do portraits. too. Other than that, I really don't have anything to sell.




  1. I am currently looking for a designer for some work. But I am more interested in a web designer. If you have those kind of experience, I can hire you for a job or something.

    Since you do seem to have talent, just look for people who are looking for designers to do some work for them. Craiglist is a good place to look. Just put a little resume and portfolio together and market yourself.  If you do have too much experience, you will not be paid too much, but you can offer competitive rates and this way, you can find clients.

    You can go to

    Email me at

  2. I would suggest starting a home-based business, it's very rewarding, easy, and fun. Take a FREE tour, and see if this is a fit for you, then get back to me.

    Best of Luck,

    Heidi Lewis

  3. No matter what the economy, no matter where you live....this is a great business....

    Look at the website before you dismiss it.  I am a mother of  five and grandmother of three.....I know how to make money to cover the bills...LOL.

    Good Luck to you!

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