
How can I raise enough money to buy a Hurdy Gurdy???

by  |  earlier

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I have been learning to play the Hurdy Gurdy for some time now, and at this point I really really really want my own. But they are so very expensive. I am not looking for a fancy one. I only want a basic hurdy gurdy, 2 octaves preferably. Hurdy Gurdies usually cost at least 1000 dollars. I'm fourteen. My parents aren't really enthusiastic about helping fund it. I babysit a little, but there are at least 10 other girls my age who babysit in the neighborhood. Please help!




  1. Get a job like the rest of us that like to buy stupid stuff. What kind of job? Try helping th elderly. They could always use a helping hand & sometimes they can even pay u to do it. (Lawn Service, Cleaning house,odd jobs, ect. )But remember, no lieing, stealing, or cheating. That's not the American way. Savvy? o.k. go get busy.

  2. You could pet sit, wash cars, walk dogs, mow lawns, do chores for neighbors. Be creative and think of ways other people wouldn't.[:

    I am 15 and earn money online. Maybe you'd like to try that? I can average about $350 a month online if I do good. And that's pretty good money for my age.[: And for earning online! I just take simple surveys and stuff almost daily, and it's really easy.[: It's totally free to and you never have to pay. It's safe also. I made my own website that lists all the great sites I use and have actually been paid by. if you'd like to check it out, my site is

    Good luck.[:

  3. Have you tried hanging around with a monkey that can hold a tin cup. Might try wearing dark glasses until you actually get the Hurdy Gurdy. Then people may give the monkey money out of sympathy.  

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