
How can I raise money for college?

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**** I am NIOT asking for money, I'm asking for ideas!***

My niece just told me that she can not got to college, in 4 weeks, because her Mom did not have the tuition as she had promised.

My wife and I have four children ( two with learning disabilities) and only one income. I can't give her much support.

If she doesn't go to college this fall I know she never will.

I need to know how to raise money, she does not qualify for loans, because her family earns (just slightly) too much money.

I'm desperate I need creative ideas! Soon.

I need help with raising money for this motivated, intelligent young woman.




  1. I think you need some accurate information:

    First, Don't be fooled by needy relatives.

    Also This will help.


    Any student (your neice) can get federal student loans regardless of parental income and won't have to have a cosigner or a credit check.   She needs to apply (or should have applied already) at   as a dependent freshman she can borrow up to 5,500 a year going full time.  Soph can borrow 6500, jrs and srs can borrow 7500 a year.

    She can attend many many many perfectly good schools for under 5,500 a year.

    It is entirely possible she has chosen a school that is much more than this and is needing mom and you to come up with the difference.  For some reason kids just seem to think college money is just going to *POOF* fall from the sky at the last minute.  Hello?  JOB?

    I would discourage you from trying to raise money for her... honestly. (I mean if its 200 dollars, id say different.  But if its a significant amount of money...  in a year, she (and you) will be in the EXACT same situation.  And she'll be looking to you to pay.  If she earns it, she will be more motivated and more likely to graduate.  If she doesn't want it bad enough, she just won't go.... it's so much easier to spend someone elses money.

    Here is a good book, explaining all of the options available to her.

  2. Soon, there will be a website called SchoolRaise, which allows students and parents to raise money for college through family, friends, and others in their social networks (including alumni).

    It will allow those who want to see the student succeed to make contributions/donations towards school tuition, fees, books, and supplies.

    Unfortunately SchoolRaise is not available yet, but the website is in development and slated to launch by the end of August 2008 (right before school starts).

    Hope this helps you in time!

  3. My friend was in a similar situation. She needed money, so she decided to sell some of her gold, silver, and platinum jewelry she no longer wore.

    She did a lot of research, and she found a great place online. I will provide the link for you below if you are interested.

    She compared a lot of places. She felt good about this one because it was featured in USA Today, and she liked the fact that they are members of the BBB.

    They were willing to give her the best price, and they were willing to pay her fast.

    There is a ton of information on that site if you would like to check it out. You can put in your information if you would like to find out what you can get for your gold.

    Just a thought, in case you have any you want to sell. You can get fast money for it.

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