
How can I raise more money for my youth group?

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We have a weekly canteen thing but that doesnt' really get us anything. We've tried to sell calenders, candles, holiday cards, cook-books. I'm tired of not being able to afford doing fun things and renivating our youth area.

Anyone have any succesful fundraiser ideas?




  1. Hi Emily,

    Raising funds with traditional bake sales are a bit of a pain.  Having to deal with face to face sales, and wasting whole afternoons or weekends for a small amount is really discouraging.  We've used FastTrackFundraising for our fundraisers and were able to make a few thousand fairly easily.  They work with all kinds of companies, but mostly churches and youth groups it seems.  They created a free fundraising website for us and we were able to share this with people we knew via flyers, emails, on myspace and facebook.  What was so great about that is that it doesn't cost us anything to start.. so we didn't have any initial expenses to recover.

    Check them out.  See if they could help your youth group:

  2. Why not:


    •  Celebrate the freedom we have to offer our time and skills by holding an Auction of Promises?

    Get parents and the wider community involved and encourage people to pledge particular skills they have (e.g making a cake, babysitting, decorating, gardening, hairdressing, car maintenance – to name but a few!) and then hold an auction where people can bid to buy those skills.

    The money raised will make a real difference to anti-slavery projects around the world, and it’s a great excuse for a good social evening.


    •  Hold a Cake and Biscuit sale at school to celebrate the fact that we enjoy sweet things.

    If possible, make it a make it a Fair Trade cake sale and encourage people to use fairly traded chocolate, sugar, nuts etc.


    •  Make a Giant Human Chain by linking arms and see how many people you can get involved in the chain!

    The Guinness Book of Records says the record is 5 million people (over 650 miles!)

    Ok, so perhaps you can’t beat that – but can you make a circle right around your school?

    Ask participants to pay a certain amount to take part (or to collect sponsorship) and then form the chain.

    When you’ve finished you can break apart as a symbol of freedom.

    Why not invite someone from the local press along to write an article about why you’re doing it and to raise awareness of 2008?

  3. Do something a bit more fun. Have cake sales, fairs or do something and get people to sponsor you.

    Here's some pages that might help:


  4. Hi!! emily. if the youths are mature why not find people who need help in the garden, or some other jobs, that are not specialised, and hire out the youths labour for a fixed sum.

    It might take a while to catch on but such schemes have proved popular in Dorset. Once started you will have a steady annual income,and probably increased youth membership. Go to and try it,and good luck.

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