
How can I raise my self confidence?

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Basically I used to be the girl with the perfect bikini body. Everyone used to compare themselves to me and I would compare my body to everyone else and this made me feel a lot better about myself because I have low self-confidence (I know it wasn't a great way to do this).

Now one of my friends was anorexic and dropped 20 pounds (she doesn't look anorexic though, she was a little overweight before). I think her body looks amazing now! She always used to compare herself to me and she would feel worse about her body. Now I compare myself to her and I feel TERRIBLE about my body!

My stomach looks all bloated and yuck now. It used to be flat before. I know I have a problem, I am 5'1" 95lbs and eat probably 600 calories per day. But my friend is 5'1" and 85lbs (she used to be 115lbs).

How can I either lose 10lbs or raise my self confidence?




  1. Your dad sounds like your main problem here.

  2. that must mean you are tiny.. instead of trying to loose this weight from diets and eating disorders, try just doing sit ups and things!  

  3. wow. you have problems.

    ur freakng 95 pounds and complaining!

    why should anyone help you?

    the girl was ANOREXIC.

    doesn't that tell you something?

    You actually want to be like her? This is pathetic.

    Here's some advice:

    throw on at least 50 pounds, then complain.

    Because this is truly just annoying.

  4. Don't feel like you have to lose 10 pounds because you don't.

    Plus, being anorexic is not good. She is lucky she didn't have a serious condition where she can't even eat with out getting sick. (as in losing all the food she ate)

    To raise your self-confidence, just keep telling your self your perfect the way you are. And, if you really want, just think how much better you look then the people on tv shows like the biggest loser. (but that is not the best way, comparing yourself to others) Your body is fine and I'm even jealous. YOU ARE FINE. WHAT EVER YOU DO, DON'T TAKE DIET PILLS OR BE ANOREXIC. IT IS VERY UNHEALTHY.  (one day, you may wish you never did)

  5. 95 pounds are you are stressing over 10 pounds. to get to 85 pounds? That sounds like someone stressing over getting closer to the cliff side of the road because now there is a competitor who gets within 1 inch, beating their previous record of of 1.25 inches. It's called stupidity, and you are captivated by it. Young girl, cut the abuse, you need to gain at least 5 to 10 pounds. If you want a body that people drool over, cut the non-sense and begin exercising. Go to a good gym and ask for SENSIBLE help in keeping a flat stomach, and a well toned body. Dieting to stay looking good is a killer. EXERCISE will keep your body looking good. You'll also muscle up, for a girl, and that extra muscle will make you weigh more, but muscle burns calories rather than storing them as FAT. Build up your body by exercise, and forget the who looks better thing that you now stress over. Personality is ALWAYS better than just looks. You know, the girl that the guys flock to, always pay attention to, looks nothing like you do, but is always nice to be around. That one that you turn your nose up at because she looks "fat" to you. Her personality is the attraction, not how sickly skinny she looks. You are worth while because you are a person, and that makes you of worth. Stick to that and leave off the diet thing. The diet thing will kill you. More good food in, and burn it off through exercise, and being good at what you do out on the exercise mats will do more for your self image than loosing that extra 10 pounds. Besides, look at it this way, if you go far enough, you could end up in the Hospital, and the doc's will feed you up to what they think you should be. Do it yourself, and make yourself a better person, through building an attractive smile, personality, being well educated, ie smart, and by exercising.  

  6. Both of you are very very skinny.

    At 5'1, 95 and 85 pounds is tiny.

  7. I read ur profile and u seem to be from a rich family (compared to most ppl).

    Ur short, and apparently light. U can out run most of the other guys at my school. In fact, i think u can nearly run as long as me. Great stamina and endurance. And also, i think u exceed the national average for girls. At 13, a healthy range for a boy in the time laspe for a mile is about less than 9:30.

    Just be proud that u came from a rich family and that u ARE healthy... Just quit comparing urself to ur friends.

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