
How can I reach football fans?

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I am working on a marketing project for a website that targets football fans in the UK. I need to come up with ideas on how to reach fans and make them visit the website. However, I live in the United States!

Do you know the websites, television shows, radio shows, magazines, newspapers or any other media that can be used to reach UK fans? Any other ideas? Do companies, for example, distribute flyers or promotional items outside the stadiums? Do they use text messaging?






  1. go to the UK and talk to ppl/put up flyers!! lol, if you can't do that... do you know someone who lives there who could post flyers or something for you?

    or you could do it through a college or school. just send an email to the head of school or someone like that asking if he/she could send the name of the website to all the students.

    yes, they do use text messaging there. practically everywhere now =)

  2. You can look up all the leaflet distribution companies you need vie there are companies that text football results and news to people's mobiles I'd think it's a sure bet that you can get in touch with these companies via the web as for Tellavision show's try, Radio Scotland they have a mutch listened to program every time there's football on, There is also Setanta sports TV which shows the Scottish games on there channel athough advertising will be pricey. Come to think of it convincing the bbc to allow you to advertise on there chanels is impossible.

    Your best route is probobly as you suggest via flyers outside the game and alternativly via the pre match programs sold outside and inside the club. you could also sponser variose things at individual clubs such as matchball, man of the match award etc.

    In ground advertising boards will not only get you into the ground but on tv several times a season best of luck  

  3. Get in touch with the Bnp they distribute leaflets outside Greyskull. or try .. he'll put you wide.  

  4. Call your website,\ berr naekit wimmen. /That'll draw them in.

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