
How can I receive a letter from American Express stating they will remove their account from my credit report

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I made the mistake of doing business with American Express and now I would like to pay them in full. However, I requested that customer service transfer me to collections which they did not do. Then I requested from customer service to send me a letter stating that once the account is paid in full they would remove American Express from my credit report and they refused.

The account is still up to date regardless of the fact it was canceled. I simply want to forget that I ever allowed this company into my life and on my credit report.

My credit is still excellent regardless of having a negative cancellation from this company. If they refuse to remove the account I have no reason to pay them. I do not think they can do any more harm.

BTW the account was canceled because I did not fax in an up to date utility bill and social security card to prove that I was the person using my card. I informed the Amex rep that I was out of town and would not be able to do so. The Amex rep extended the deadline until Saturday but the forms that I fax in also had to be accompanied by an affidavit from a bank official/notary pbulic. I was not in town and when I arrived home a week later. I had made of my mind that it was not worth the hassle and Amex obviously did not want my business.




  1. They won't.  Most credit card companies will not remove legitimate information.

    If the account isn't late, it's not a derogatory item as long as you pay it off.  The account being closed will lower your overall available credit limit and that might increase your debt percentage if you have balances on other credit cards.  

    If you don't pay off the account, that will be a huge derogatory item on your credit file.  They will turn you over to collections and possible sue for the balance.  Just pay the account off and don't worry about getting it removed from your credit file.  It will age off eventually.

  2. You're going to have a hard time removing a creditor from your credit history simply because you don't like them.  It's still part of your credit history.

  3. Pay them.  Their cancellation is NOT a negative score on your credit report but the collection agency they eventually refer you to when you don't pay will be.  I have also had Amex freeze my account more than once so that I could verify my identity for no good reason, but they were perfectly happy to allow me to do that over the telephone.  I don't know why they put you through that hassle.

    I know you feel totally screwed over and you don't want to give them a dime, but in the long run you aren't "losing" the war by paying them.  You are getting away from a bad situation.  This way you won't spend the next few years dealing with Amex collections, crying, writing letters, hitting things, making calls, hitting more things, etc.

    Just pay it and never,ever use that company again.

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