
How can I receive collect phone calls from prison when my phone co. can't remove the block?

by  |  earlier

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I can't get through to the 800# the phone co. gave me that is some kind of prepaid service?




  1. the US Prisons really keep a tight ship now because of all the complains about inmates calling out asking for money have to use now a special calling card just for this purpose.....! go online and find one of those cards, and their are not cheap...everyone is making money of it!! incoming and outgoing calls...

  2. Im not to sure but if anything, the person might have to use a calling card to be able to get in contact with you... One with a different area code.

  3. You should have Collect a Call feature on your package and if there is any restriction or block , call you service provider and remove it.

    there would be some other toll free number to contact your service provider

    and also be aware that every call that you receive under this feature will be charged under your bill (eg) every call from prison

    this feature is mostly useful for lawers to get in touch with their clients.

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