
How can I receive correct analysis to my condition?

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I don't know how I could trust a phycologist to open up enough. After several visits to different phycologists I seem to get a different result for each one. The last phycologist seemed even more unprofessional than ever, prescribing me different drugs until he found one that would work, so I didn't even take them. What I'm looking for is the root of the problem so I can deal with it.

The reason I'm sure there's a problem, is because I get extreme boredom and feelings of meaningless. I get such frustration too and end up taking risks that could kill me . This has happened at least 20-30 times by the way and if I just try to carry on without doing anything extreme, I'ld slip into deep depression and would probably end up dead anyway. When faced with boring situations, obscure distant memories come right to the surface from my early childhood. It seems like I need more intensity than I can get from my environment to feel balanced and be able to focus properly.

I must add that I've had an poor upbringing (bullied for several years with no real friends and faithless parents). Even though I now have super loyal friends, it doesn't make it any easier to talk to strangers, even well educated phycologists. I want to, I try to, but the truth is hard to get out when I'm like a closed book.




  1. with the symptoms that you described it seems that you might have manic depression and ADHD

    have you experienced something traumatic in the last few years.

    how about your parents do they act the same way.  knowing your family's past is very important to mental health.  a lot of disorders are inherited.

    i am not a psychologist yet, however i have read and studied the DSM-IV-TR

  2. As you are aware there is a wonderful life just waiting for you (asking this question shows that you see more than whats presently here ) may I suggest you try helping others in need,... charities for example,folks in need who maybe cant help  do have talents and ability's unique to you ...use them.. people will be most appreciative...set goals ...even small ones and work up to bigger could be a lot of fun open things up a little  and improve your life circumstances

  3. Keep searching until you find someone yo can trust.  Perhaps starting with a clergyman first and they can assist to a medical doctor

  4. As hard as it may be to open up to one, psychologists and psychiatrists are the only people that are going to be able to help you if you really have a mental problem. If you don't trust your psychologist, you should switch. However, if you can't trust ANY psychologists, than the problem isn't chemistry, its probably a trust issue with you. If that seems to be the case, just find a doctor and stick with them, force yourself as much as you can. Don't expect results right away, psychology is a slow process.

    Also, in response to the doctor prescribing you many different medications, this is common as it is hard to predict how a person will react to certain drugs, especially if they don't understand the full nature of your condition. But, they probably want to medicate you first to keep you from hurting yourself. That should be their priority, then after you are under a little control, they can really examine where it might be coming from.

    Once again, be patient. And I would suggest continuing to seek medical attention.

  5. How come psychologists are prescribing drugs. Surely you need a shrink for that.Your problem is that you don´t have enough to do and all day to do it in.Get up off your lazy butt and start doing something useful with your life.It´s typical in these cases to blame external factors but that was in the past. Get up and go. Good luck.

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