I don't know how I could trust a phycologist to open up enough. After several visits to different phycologists I seem to get a different result for each one. The last phycologist seemed even more unprofessional than ever, prescribing me different drugs until he found one that would work, so I didn't even take them. What I'm looking for is the root of the problem so I can deal with it.
The reason I'm sure there's a problem, is because I get extreme boredom and feelings of meaningless. I get such frustration too and end up taking risks that could kill me . This has happened at least 20-30 times by the way and if I just try to carry on without doing anything extreme, I'ld slip into deep depression and would probably end up dead anyway. When faced with boring situations, obscure distant memories come right to the surface from my early childhood. It seems like I need more intensity than I can get from my environment to feel balanced and be able to focus properly.
I must add that I've had an poor upbringing (bullied for several years with no real friends and faithless parents). Even though I now have super loyal friends, it doesn't make it any easier to talk to strangers, even well educated phycologists. I want to, I try to, but the truth is hard to get out when I'm like a closed book.