
How can I receive more traffic to my website?

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We recently created a forum to give us something to do, its still in a crude form of what we want it to be though. We do hope by receiving more members it will help our site branch into other areas not just on the forum. Its and I'm hoping you guys have good methods so the site can become more popular. And I've added the url to all major search engines only a few days ago.




  1. 1. Add content

    Add content, add content, and add content. Before you even register your domain, you should have enough ideas to build 100 pages on your site. Start brainstorming and see what you can come up with in 10 minutes. If that's not enough to fill 50 pages, consider not building the site at all. Having lots of content is important.

    2. A simple design is better

    Text content should outweigh the html content. Stay away from heavy flash, java, JavaScript, etc. Don't add to much stuff like 'best viewed with'... Your website should be viewable with any browser. Keep it clean and professional.

    3. Keep the pages small

    Smaller is better. Keep it under 15k if you can. Your site should be fast loading, or people will leave. Speed is everything. Next to content, that is. Keep it under 10k or 5k if you can. Difficult, but people love fast sites. Throw away all the trash on your pages.

    4. Content length

    Put a new page online every day of about 200 to 500 words. Go to the overture keyword suggester to find ideas of what to write about. Spell checks your content. Search engines can do it, and so should you. If you have a blog, go for article-like posts as opposed to the personal diary kinds of posts.

    5. Use keywords

    Use your keywords in the following places: title, description tag, heading, url, once bold, once italic and once high on the page.

    6. Link to other sites

    Put 2 links to other, high ranking pages on your site. They should be relevant to the content of that page and use keywords as your link. Don't add every link that's requested. Check their relevance first.

    7. Link to your own site

    Put links from one page to other relevant pages on your own site. Again: use keywords as your link.

    8. Submit your site

    Submit your site to Google, AltaVista, Yahoo, Msn, Hotbot, etc. Then forget about that for 6 months. Also submit it to every single directory you can find. Do a check after 6 months and resubmit if you're not listed.

    9. Log and track

    Most hosts provide these. Don't use a lame graphic counter. Check where your visitors are coming from to find out what traffic methods work best for your site.

    10. Write for people

    People are not coming to your site for your content. They are coming for their content. Try to write as if you are writing to one specific person, such as a friend of yours who's interested in the same topic. Don't try to write for 'all of your visitors'.

    11. Stay ahead

    If you know that something big will come out in a few months, build a page about it now. It gives search engines time to index that page so they can feed it to the growing anticipating crowd.

    12. Add more content

    This is so important: keep adding content. Do this for a year and your site will be a top ranking website within one year. You could've been there now, if you started last year. So start now, so you'll be there next year. You'll thank yourself (and me) later.

    To add your site to Google

    To add your site to yahoo

    To add your site to MSN

    You can submit your site to these major sites yourself. But to rank at the top, you need to advertise it. You can try Google Adwords. It’s the most effective and targeted way of Advertising. Although it can be expensive but I know 1 Person here on Yahoo answers who is giving 1000$ of adwords coupons for 25$.

    I've personally tried it and its worth. If you want his ID mail me through my profile.

    You can also try free classified advertising.

  2. Look and Advertise your website there.

    I found there website through an article that specifically listed they as a good website that sells high quality traffic. I purchased 5,000 visitors to my website, and noticed the difference before I even checked my logs! I am so glad that I finally found a way to market my website that can be done quickly. I know how important SEO is, but they have to promote in other ways too. I know I've found a working method!

    I just wanted to say how impressed I was with there service. My campaigns were set up promptly and delivered as promised. I was impressed with the results as well. I purchased traffic for two of my websites and I received over 1450 signups for the first website and over 1030 signups for the second. (That's less than $0.01 a lead! Try finding that elsewhere!).

    There advertising works great. I'm using a direct landing page for my campaign and have been tracking every ad. A very high amount of visitors have been browsing my site and my conversion rates have gone up..

    Ever since I began advertising with Quality Traffic Supply, my sales have greatly increased. Since I now have a steady source of traffic which is targeted to my content, I now get a good return on investment. There traffic has worked wonders for me. I buy about 5,000 visitors a month to split up between my 2 websites, and for every $10 I spend there I bring in another $30!

  3. email me we can exchange links


  5. try here

    Oh! and also this one mate:

    This one above is viral advertising and it really works!

    The bottom one of the two above can increase your HITs and traffic to your website by 1000 hits per week if you ACTUALLY do it.

    Ive made alot of money through it, $6,748 so far, and thats after 2 months only

  6. You can try a free traffic Exchange service like TrafficSwarm at

    or WebCentreSurf at

    You can try article marketing at an article submission service like and link back to your website in the resource box for your articles.

    You can also comment on popular blogs like John Chow's or Joel Comm's that allow linkbacks to your URL. Do a Yahoo Search.

    Create a video and upload it to YouTube with your URL flashed on the screen. All of these are free.

  7. If you ever launched a new website you must know how hard it is to promote it. And by now, you must've realized that there is no way you can quickly attract traffic to your website unless you know some website owners whose websites have huge amounts of traffic and they write about you and/or put a link back to your website on the home page or on any other very visible area of their website.

    If you didn't already, you can search the Internet as much as you want and spend countless days looking for the answers on how to quickly attract traffic to your website: all you will find is about how to make your website more SEO friendly (how to to write your META tags, URLs, keywords, etc) and how to promote your website by subscribing it to all the web directories in the Universe, how to spam on blogs and forums by leaving a message like "hi, nice website! check out [your website]", create a profile on all the social networks and start making "friends", using viral emailing, use link exchanging with websites that no one ever visits or writing articles with "funny but clever" title - these are some of the most common techniques that don't necessary require you to pay any money.

    Now, you must know that the SEO related stuff, done right, can indeed bring you the traffic you want - but it will do so only after a certain amount of time - somewhere between two and six months - that is how long it takes some search engines to give your website a page rank and to properly index your website. On the other hand, everything that you read related to website promotion might simply not apply to you! Web directories are good only for linking to you website and they will never drive almost any traffic to your website; you might feel that it is quite inappropriate to spam on forums and blogs - and others might think that aswell; you might not be in all that "social" hype because you do have a social life; they forgot to mention that "viral emailing" works only if you already have a database of emails; link exchanging sucks; you are simply not the type of guy who can write an article!

    But still, you do want traffic to your website because you invested a lot of effort and time in it and you know that there are people who might be interested in seeing what it is about. You need exposure! And you want traffic now! encourages website owners to become actively involved in marketing and promoting their websites. can increase your website traffic by offering a free and unique Internet marketing service: booking websites on the home page of!

    Please remember that is NOT a business directory! It is not a "subscribe and forget" service: simply registering your websites with us will not automatically attract traffic to your website. is a free service that helps website owners to become actively involved in promoting their websites on a daily basis. By booking your websites on the home page of you can continuously attract traffic to your websites by giving them the best thing there is on the Internet: exposure! More exposure means more traffic and more traffic means more fame and, depending on your website, more fame can mean more money! is an honest service: you take care of your websites by having appropriate logos, good keywords in descriptions and by having them continuously booked on the home page of, and your websites will receive exposure to more visitors, your websites will have better rankings and, of outmost importance, your websites will benefit from better exposure to search engines - because you can constantly be on the home page of! Yes, it is like having banners to your websites on the home page of For free!

    Be famous!

  8. Submit it on directories,do link building, Social bookmarking,I hopw you will get more traffic on your site.

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