
How can I recieve mp3's with my Blackberry Curve?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to get a song from my sister's phone which is a Sony Ericsson. Some import phone. Anyways we can connect easily, but then when she tries to send the mp3 via bluetooth, it says "Transfer failed, Check other devices and make sure it is visible, the bluetooth is on, and it is in rance" Not in the exact words but same meaning.




  1. With the Blackberry, you have to first, go into the media icon, and then click the "menu" button (the button to the left of the trackball with the 7 little dots on it). It will give you a menu, scroll down and choose "Receive using Bluetooth".

    Now your sister can succesfully send you the mp3.

    I had the same problem when I first got BB.

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