
How can I recycle my shreded papers?

by  |  earlier

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I hate just burning them. Can I compost them or something?




  1. Well, You can just recycle them by giving it to the recycle center, that is the best thing to do.

  2. I do one of two things...

    Add to my compose pile or in the trash bind.  If it can be mixed in my compose pile, I think the land fills could use the same

  3. just put them in a paper recycleing bin or box and in the uk there is a 2 week collection

  4. If you're talking about Newspapers, then I imagine that any nearby Animal Rescue centres/shelters would be happy to take them off your hands as bedding.

    You may not even have to shred them!

    Other than that, you CAN compost them!

    (See url cited as 'source'.)

  5. Many pet stores use shredded paper and would love to take donated bags.

  6. the best thing for the garden and weed control is shredded paper of any type. Cuts down on weeds, helps hold in the water for the plant, and makes a garden less work.

  7. The shreded paper can go to the recycling center for better use If you have a blue recycling can you can put the shreded papers in until it's full.

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