
How can I reduce how much time I spend in the shower?

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I'm trying to "go green" but I always end up spending 20+ min. in the shower. Here's my routine:

Wet hair/body, shampoo hair, cleanse face, rinse hair, condition hair, shave legs, rinse hair, cleanse body.

I will admit, there are times that I will just stand there because the hot water feels nice, and I've been getting in the habit of not doing that anymore. But other than that, what other ways can I cut down on how much time I spend in the shower?




  1. dont while away ur time by singing songs in the bathroom...

  2. Can I suggest that, you live once, you should enjoy life's little pleasures?   20 minutes is pretty short for a woman.   And these people suggesting you cut back on shampoo or soap - - really, B.O. will not "save the planet."

  3. naa spend the full 20 minutes but share your shower with a friend.. that way two of ya get clean for the same amount of water!!

  4. wet hair/body, wash hair, rinse hair, conditon hair. while conditioner is on hair cleanse face, body, and shave. rinse hair and body and you are done.........10 minutes or could also try playing music in the background. Most songs are about three minutes long. Try to finish your shower in two songs or less.

  5. You can go without washing ur hair. Try washing it every other day. And I would do the same with shaving ur legs.

  6. You don't have to be in the shower to shave you legs. Wet them, apply the shaving cream and shave then hop in the shower and rinse off your legs/go through the rest of your routine.

  7. you don't need to shave everyday..... if you feel you must shave everyday, do it in the sink and only run the water when you need to....

    if you do that that would cut down like half the time

  8. use just shampoo--   lather your whole body at once-- shave your legs or any other body part that requires some detailing,- rinse--  do not follow directions on shampoo bottle that says repeat!!!

  9. Hey if ur a girl and you do less than an hour in the shower i have nothing to say to you but congratulations lol. you should teach those 2 hour divas at my house how it's done.

  10. Use a shampoo/conditioner 2 in 1.  Skip the shaving.  Wash select areas and just let water rinse the rest, unless you have been very active.

  11. Don't shave your hairy body in the shower.

    If you showered every other day could cut your time down by half.

    Use only cold water.

    Or (and here's the advise I like the best) don't freakin worry about it. The water doesn't evaporate into the sky and travel to Mars. It finds its way (eventually) into the water supply and comes down as rain in another part of the world.

  12. At my place I have four minutes before the cold water hits, so I have to move fast!

  13. Try the "Navy Shower":

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

    A navy shower (or "sea shower") is a method of showering that allows for significant conservation of water and energy. The steps in a basic navy shower are:

       1. turn on the water

       2. immediately wet the body

       3. turn off the water

       4. soap up and scrub

       5. turn the water back on and rinse off the soap

    The total time for the water being on is typically under two minutes.

    Navy showers originated on naval ships, where supplies of fresh water were often scarce. Using this method, crew members were able to stay clean, while conserving their limited water supply. The idea has been adopted by many people who wish to conserve water and the energy needed to heat the water, for both environmental and economic reasons. Maritime cruisers often take navy showers when they aren't in a port with easy access to fresh water. A ten-minute shower takes as much as 230 L (60 U.S. gallons) of water, while a navy shower usually takes as little as 11 L (3 U.S. gallons); one person can save 56,000 L (15,000 U.S. gallons) per year.[1]

  14. u don't have to shave everytime in the shower, and u really don't have to shave in the shower

  15. American water is recycled so who cares..its not like your really wasting anything substantial

  16. Deciding to go green is an excellent choice but you don't have to make big changes to go green.

    For your routine, Wet your hair and let the water drip down you. Shampoo your hair then when the shampoo is on, use a shower gel and put it either on your hand or a sponge. Rinse your hair and then get out. You'll be 15 minutes TOPS!

    For your other parts in the routine It's always best to shave your legs when you get out of the shower before you dry your legs. You can buy an all over body lotion (scented ones are nice!) which will cleanse your body and your face or even moisturising wipes which are quick and easy to use!

    Good Luck In Going Green, I wish you all the best.

  17. only wash your hair every other day. cuts back immensely.

    shaving legs can wait till your out of teh shower.

    and turn off the water when your shampping your hair and washing your body.

    not anything i would do. but those are the ways to go if your serious about it.

  18. OKAY, dont shave your legs everyday it just makes your leg hair grow back faster, wash your face in the sink, be quick about things.


    enjoy the shower, there's a limit on when to go green.

    Just seems like you may be more concerned about your water bill.

    Takes me 10-15 min showers and Im a girl .. lol im prettty and clean. Just limit it down

  19. Shower with a friend......

    Need a friend?

  20. put shampoo and conditioner in ur hair at the same time so u only have to rinse ur hair once

  21. You should combine the shampoo,conditioner and the cleansing of face or anything that includes soap at the same time, to conserve water and time...

  22. get a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, that way, you only rinse your hair once. Don't shave constantly in the shower, you can shave somewhere else as well. Turn off water when soaping and stuff, just turn it on when washing it off. There is always the hippie way, don't shower that often, but I wouldn't recommend it.

  23. stop having s*x in the shower.

  24. Get someone to turn the hot water off after 10 minutes of being in the shower.

  25. Wash your hair and face face first using warm water and use cold water for everything else. Cold water makes u feel uncomfortable and you will want to get out of the shower.

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