
How can I reduce the sugar I consume. I am addicted to sugary things like candy, sweets, soda, sugary cereal?

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How do I decrease my sugar intake so I can reduce my risk of diabetes, I know i shouldn't have eaten those 20 kitkat minis but they where really good and i crave sweets. I am pregnant and crave nothing but sweets, I am 108 pounds so it is not about losing weight because i actually need to gain weight because i am pregnant.




  1. Maybe eat fruit to take care of that sweet craving. At least that way it's healthy.  


  3. If its something you're craving, especially since your pregnant, its your body's natural way of telling you what your baby needs in order to grow properly.

    So, its okay to crave them.  Just do so in moderation. And try to substitute with dark chocolate.  Or natural sweet fruit.  Or go to a store like Wild Oats or Trader Joes and get organic "sweets." They have ice cream, chocolate, and all the goods.  And since its organic, its naturally better for your body and your baby.

  4. Try flavoring your foods with natural sugars before going for the refined.

  5. Agave nectar doesn't raise blood sugar the way sweets can.  You also should treat yourself to an occasional sweet treat, but restrain yourself from overdoing it.  Also, try to drink more water.  If you crave the fizz of soda like I do seltzer water does the trick.  

    If you're prone to diabetes; family history, overweight, pre-diabetes, previously giving birth to a child 9 pounds or larger be very careful and urge your doctor to do a blood glucose test sooner rather than later.

  6. There's some supplements out there that claim to curb your sugar addiction; I used them when I had to get off of the stuff.  Not sure if you should use them while preggers, though.  L-Glutamine and chromium are what helped me.

  7. I guess if your Doctor has told you to cut back that is one thing.  I sure remember eating a lot of junk food when I was pregnant.  Try fruit after meals and limit the sugar.  Use crystal light drink mix and maybe sugar free cookies and candies which will help a little as they have sugar substitute in them. . .my Dad is a diabetic and they are pretty good.

  8. SUGAR FREE POPSICLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o yea klondike are great!

  9. 1.  You are not at risk of diabetes from eating a lot of sugary foods!!! they do NOT cause diabetes, all they cause is tooth decay.

    2. being pregnant, you need to eat a fully balanced food plan. I know how the foods cravings went with that one and the doctor had me on a very limited weight gain.

    3. to gain weight you need to be having more protein and salad dressings in your food plans. Yeah, but protein foods come with fats, and good dressings make salads taste better.

    20 kitkat minis is equal to about 4 regular bars, so really no huge deal. You just have an addiction to chocolate which contains lots of iron. Have a little dark chocolate every meal.

    Do take care of how much weight you gain with the pregnancy. It is really hard to get back off if you gain too much.

    My sister looked like she had half a basketball under her top just before she delivered!! Horrid person!! I looked like a blimp, pregnant all over!!!

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