
How can I refresh the smell of my old teddy bears?

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How can I refresh the smell of my old teddy bears?

I have some teddy bears which I've had in storage a while and are smelling a little musky, how can I make them smell nice and fresh without putting them in the washing machine?




  1. I would wash them in Ariel with fabreeze. hang the on the washing line to give them a good airing,them spray with fabreeze when dry.

  2. give them some minty porridge to eat

  3. Febreeze. I would still suggest washing them though.

  4. I found somewhere in a magazine that you can actually put them into the freezer (for a few hours) and it kills all dust mites, small bugs that could get onto them. Then i would reccommend putting it in the washer machine on delicate and try to pout them in the sun or something to dry them off. I have tried this before and tehy come out SO fresh and clean!

    Also febreezing them when they are dry after you wash them, is great too. :)

  5. Febreze is said to be good...Check it out online...

  6. Don't wash them, they may fall apart. Clean any spots with a mild soap, put them in the dryer on a gentle air cycle with 2 or 3 fabric softener sheets. Finish with Febreeze if they still smell to you.

  7. You can spray them with freebreeze and lysol.spray  Or you can put them in the dryer with a Fabric softner sheet for a few minutes and that should help.  Or you can take them outside and wash them in a buck then rinse and hang dry. Then spay with febreeze or your favorite perfume after the stuffed teddy bears are dry.

  8. You should get something like a Febreze* Cleaning Spray and give them a few sprays to freshen them up. If this does not work then you could get some Refreshing Oil* that you can get from local stores and add a few drops on to them and this should freshen them up.

  9. Febreeze Fabric Spray would work just perfect...  That's the most inexpensive and easiest way to do it.

  10. Try A Linen Spray .. Avon Offer A Great Selection :-)

  11. Pop them in the tumble dryer [on cool air setting] along with a fabric softener sheet. Not only will they smell nice, but the air will perk up their fur, and they will be lovely and soft too!

  12. Baking soda is excellent for absorbing odors.   Sprinkle the bears generously, let it sit 30 minutes then shake it off them (if you do it over the sink, you'll refresh your garbage disposal too).

    I would not recommend putting them in the washer at all.  If you use Febreeze on them, try a small area first to make sure it won't discolor them.

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