
How can I regain my self-esteem?

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Last night I asked my husband of 7 years to leave. I am tired of arguing all the time. I have 3 kids, no job, no income. My self-esteem is very low right now. I have been depressed for years. I tried counseling and medication and didn't help at all. How can I get over this and regain my self confidence and self-esteem?




  1. Only you can make that happen. Find people that care about you to lean on. Make your new venture a challenge. If you are going to be on your own you need a plan. Set goals for where you want to be in 3,6,12 months. You have to change your mindset. Look at it as something you give your kids. A divorce is going to take a toll on them so they need mom and dad to be positive and strong. It's not going to be easy, but you have to work at it and not just expect it to happen. Good luck.

  2. Well you have taken a first step.  Now you need to focus on figuring out how to survive life and create something that makes you and your kids happy.  This is going to take time and there are going to be good days and bad days.  Just keep in mind that your goal is to create a better life for you and your kids.

  3. you really havent given us enough info to answer. let me tell you about me.

    when i got divorced i took a long hard look at myself, what i liked didnt liked and what i wanted.

    I decided to be balanced.

    take care of my physical health, mental health, religion, family, and my career. be disciplined about it.

    I eliminated bad influences from my life (people), quit smoking, went to church, joined the gym, took every day serious at work, enjoyed the company of my friends and family.

    I learned to give when i had excess, learned to laugh, and feel good about myself. After quite a while of self indulgence i met someone new. I think that the time i spent on myself really made that possible.

  4. Find a hobby you like and feel comfortabel with. Thhen calm down and just enjoy yourself. Don't think too hard on it. And find joy in the smallest things like nature, or a pet.

  5. Seek and you shall find.  Make the journey home.  Volunteer at a local church, parochial school, veterans facility, food pantry, nursing home, etc.  Play sports.  Join a fitness center, go to the park and play with your kids, etc.  Find activities (some of the above) that your kids can also participate in to learn how to help others in need.  This will be the beginning of your journey that will lead you home again.  

    Read the Bible.  Get inspiration.

  6. I had the same's what I did:

    Join the gym, when you look better, you feel better.  I take Kickboxing and strength training classes and it's so much fun!  You also get to meet new people and socialize.  Believe me, it helps!  

    Obviously, there's more to it than just the gym, but it's a good start and will break you out of the depression mode you are in...then you can go from there.

    Good Luck!

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