
How can I regain the white in my eyes?

by  |  earlier

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My entire life, I had green eyes with a perfect white background. I went through alot of stress last year, am now 37, and my eyes are now dull, red, and yellowish. A doctor last year told me billirubin was high. What is going on? How can I regain those eyes I used to have? Please no opinions, just give me facts about what vitamin or herbal supplement I can take to regain the white. I look horrible right now and that is one of the main reasons. Please help.




  1. I would think vitamins maybe or lack of iron

  2. So yellow tinge in eyes directly related to liver health.

    Look at herbs such as st marys thistle, dandelion and globe artichoke.

    but also the herb eyebright is a traditional remedy guessed it...making the eyes brighter and clearer :)

    Good luck

  3. Try  homoeo medicine 1] ph. ac 30 pills -- one dose ie. 4 pills every 4 th day  chewed after  food.  try 10 to20 doses

                                             2]   If the above medicine is not of much success you may try ' agar 30  pills  - one dose of 4 tablets once every 10 days   my e-mail

  4. drink more water maybe!  have your liver checked w/ blood work ? possible to get more rest? see another Dr. for more tests  !  make sure the water u drink is good water ,not well ,or spring ,feed ...boil it and cool down and it will be good ... take care

  5. If your eyes are yellow and your bilirubin is up, you have jaundice.  There are many causes from liver disease like hepatitis, to some kinds of anemias, to some kinds of cancers..  

    You need some more tests to find out what is going on in order to get proper treatment  

    Please don't take anybodys ignorant advice here about "cleansing and detoxifying" diets or therapy.  None of them work anyway, and you may waste time getting a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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