I went of off birth control pills Nov 2004 to ttc baby #1. I didn't get a period on my own until 2 and a half years later, in June 2007. For the past year I have had 9 menstrual cycles. My cycles are very irregular,and I usually have 40 to 60 days in between periods. My hubby and I are ttc but finding it difficult because of my irregular periods. I don't know when/if I am ovulating. I am taking a prenatal vitamin, vitex, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6 and PABA. I am about 5'6'' and 150 lbs. I do have some stress/anxiety, but even when I don't stress my periods are still irregular. I eat pretty healthy too.
Does anyone know how I can regulate my menstrual cycle to the normal 28-35 days? I do not want to go back on birth control, as I am ttc. Any advise I would really be grateful for. Thank you!