
How can I relate to my mom on this?

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My parents don't think I like boys. Well...they don't know that I like them. I'm 13. My mom didn't like guys in school...she's straight but I don't have anyone to go to about boy problems except my friends. They don't even know that people in my grade have boy/girl parties! When they hear someone in Middle School is going out they are like...they are too young...i didn't get a date til i was in 11 grade. How can I make them see things have changed since like 1980 something? They don't see how different the relationships are between middle school and high school. I'm close to them, but just not like me liking guys close.




  1. Don't tell them.  

  2. First of all they are stupid if they don't know you like boys...everyone liked people when they were your age. The difference is now people are dating at a younger age.

    However, if they think you are too young to date you should really think about's not an outdated idea.  

  3. Uh oh, sorry, but I have an uncomfortable answer.

    You might not be able to right away. You need to find a friend of your mom's who she trusts and respects who you think can help you. An aunt (but not a sister she competes with!) A good friend? Your dad? Just ask them exactly this question. You're interested in boys (totally normal for physically adult women), your friends are interested in boys, you're in mixed groups, and you need grownups who will be there for you when the inevitable "learning about love" happens.

    And I gotta say, I graduated high school in 1980, which was before AIDS, and the idea was that if you were a virgin at 16 then something was so wrong with your mind that you should go see a doctor. Not kidding. The 1970's were very s*x and drug oriented. It's actually much *calmer* now.

  4. Things have NOT changed.Human nature and hormones still work the SAME way now as they did when your parents were kids.The ONLY trouble is parents  seem to not realize this.

    I am curious about one other thing, you said you are 13 and in the 11th grade?How is that possible unless you were able to skip ahead some?

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