
How can I relocate to Europe from U.S.?

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I don't like living here and want to move to U.K., France or Germany

Is it easy to get get Visa + Citizenship +Job?




  1. When you figure it out, let me know. This country is going to h**l in a hand basket. If McBush wins it's really going to worsen, how many more wars will we start?

  2. It is not easy to get a visa nor a job, and you need to have the one to get the other and the other way round. An impossible situation in short.

    Citizenship you can only apply for when you have been living here, legally, for several years. And even then you will have to fit the rules.

    So the answer how to relocate is not easy to give.

    The best option is starting to work for an American company and ask to be relocated to their European part of the business. Not many jobs available.

    The armed forces are still the employer who has the most non military staff brought in from the USA as far as I know.

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