
How can I remember things better?

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I have always been in the shadow of my sister and to tell you the truth, its really depressing and I dont like it. I am smart at common sense things and my sister is smart at school things like science and math. When ever I got low grades my mom wouldnt understand that I was trying my best.

So heres my problem, I do good in my school work such as what the teachers hand out and homework but whenever I take a test I FAIL!

I can never really get a great test score.

I mean I took an AP class and did fine but when I took the test for college credit I got such a low score. Same goes for my ACT which I got a freaking 15 in<---I SWEAR I KNEW THE ANSWERS! Whatever.

So can anyone tell me whats wrong with me and give me advice on how I can remember things better?

Please list ways I can study better as well.

I feel stupid because my sister is so smart and people always expect me to be as smart as her...




  1. I&#039;m the same way like they all expect me to be just like my brother advice on how to rememberber things just write them down and go over it until u cant get it out of ur head

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