When I turned 19 I temporarily lost my medical insurance. Typical with my luck I had to have emergency surgery. I paid all the doctors and lab bills in cash which was about $3000. When my hospital bill came I cried it was $23,000. It was quickly sent to collections where I paid another $3000. After I paid that, I got another statement which showed my bill had gone UP due to interest. I was unable to maintain payments and haven't made a payment since. Recently, there was a civil action lawsuit against my hospital for doing to people what they did to me. Over charging those without insurance and charging for services not provided. I received a small settlement, but it really doesn't make much difference for those that already have been sent to collections (I was told this by the class attorneys).
I need corrective jaw surgery and braces so that I can eat like a normal person and stop losing weight, but am unable to set up a payment plan due to my poor credit score (apparently my good standing with credit cards doesn't count). Due to the current job market I have been unable to get a full time job that would pay enough for me to take care of this (even if I did, I could pay for it for the rest of my life and never even pay it down). I never even got credit for my settlement. I want this removed. Not so I can rack up a huge credit debt, but so I can get the orthodontic treatment I so desperately need.