
How can I remove discolouration from a t.v. caused by magnets?

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How can I remove discolouration from a t.v. caused by magnets?




  1. If your TV has a built in degaussing coil, it will make a loud buzz or hum for for three or four seconds when it is first turned on. You can degauss this way, but it may take a few cycles. This is why many techs will tell you "it will fade with time". Note that the set needs to be turned off for about twenty minutes between cycles for the degauss circuit to reset.

    If you have a degaussing coil ( ), you can do the following. The coils are pretty inexpensive.

    1. Turn on the TV

    2. Make sure the power switch on the coil if off and plug it in.

    3.Stand at least 6 feet away from the screen and point the EDGE of the coil at the screen.

    4. Turn on the coil. DO NOT TURN OFF THE COIL UNTIL THE END OF THE PROCEDURE. Point the center hole at the screen. Start moving the coil in large circles parallel to the face of the screen.

    5. Slowly move toward the screen making the circles smaller. Visualize a spiral coming from the front of the screen.

    6. When at the screen move the coil all over the screen area. The picture will distort - it's supposed to do that! Cover the front of the screen well. Take your time . . .

    7. Reverse the approach procedure. Move away from the screen making increasingly larger circles until you are standing at your starting point.

    8. Turn the EDGE of the coil toward the screen.

    9. Turn the coil off.

    Note, turning the coil on or off near the screen can magnetize the screen and actually make the situation a bit worse.

    The above procedure is what a TV repair man would do in his shop. You could take the set to a shop to have it degaussed.

    I hope this helps. Please return and select a Best Answer from all of those submitted.

  2. You can try the "Cheap and Safe" (but not as good) Degaussing with just a strong magnet.  Bring it somewhat close to the TV and wave it around.  Move it quick and in circles, and pull it away fast.  Make sure the TV is on so you can see your results.  Try it a few times and it should help.  But the "Time" answer is true, too.  It should get better in time.

  3. you cant remove them you either have to wait till they go away or they are to damaged to fix itself

    so the answer is time

    By the way how did this happen??lol

  4. The kids in the neighbors day care did that once to a computer monitor and it was shot. But her television did recover in time.

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