
How can I remove the genres I designated in launchast?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want to receive songs that are genre-based, so I'd like to erase the genre designations I made. How? THANK YOU very much, and I enjoy the service (except for that!). Oh -- any difference to your answer if I use the pay Launchast service? thanks again! -- Sam




  1. At the top of the home page, the tab listed "LAUNCHcast RADIO"

    1...hover the cursor and it will scroll down more options to "edit my station", then pick what you want to edit


    2...just click it, and on the left side of that page click "Edit___" (be it song, artist, or genres)

    Then to unrate something you have already rated, just double-click in the rating bar to reset it.

    Hope this helps you, good luck.

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