
How can I renew my mexican passport if I have a valid resident card?

by Guest65761  |  earlier

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How can I renew my mexican passport if I have a valid resident card?




  1. Nearly ten years a go a law passed in the Mexican congress allowing foreing citizens to have both nationalities, the mexican and the original from the country they came from.

    If you are Mexican  and have an American citizenship you can still keep your mexican citizenship

  2. You can renew your Mexican passport in the U.S. at the nearest Mexican consulate.  See site below for list of consulates. I just saw "wise girl"s answer and she is mistaken...while you are a legal permanent resident in the U.S., you must use a Mexican passport and you certainly CAN renew it at a consulate.  After you become a citizen, you may apply for an American passport.  This same situation is true for all immigrants from all other nations too.

  3. If your resident card is from another coutry you cannot renew your mexican passport, because you are trying to get citizenship into another country and therefore acquire a new passport for that country.  If you still want to do it, you will have to go back to Mexico and do it there.

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