
How can I repair my credit safely...?

by  |  earlier

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I am in the process of looking for an apartment and I have everything else okay. I know that they look for rental history and eviction history and all that is fine with me but I know that my credit is a high risk at this point, I want to start repairing my credit, knowing that will take time, how will I be able to rent an apartment in about 1 1/2 months time with out that really being an issue for the leasing offices?

What good website or credit agencies can i go too to start the repair of my credit quick and safely??




  1. Lashes, I actually own and operate a Credit Repair Business.

    If you would like some information please go to

    there is lots of information there. You can fill out a form for a free debt consultation as well


  2. To raise your credit score you need to do two things:

    1 - add positive things to your credit records.  Such as paying your bills on time!

    2 - Remove negative things from your records.  These may be mistakes made by the credit report companies or bills you haven’t paid!

    If your problems aren’t too bad or too complicated than you can do this yourself.  This review site gives you e-books to explain the process and guide you through it:

    if your problem is complex - or you just don’t have the time or patience to do it yourself then you will want to use a credit repair company.  This review site will guide you to the three best companies to use:

    Good Luck!

  3. This is a really hard question to answer,

    Someone had send me this website and you'll come to a site that has all the info you need .

    Hope this helps out some way :)

    sources :

  4. This all really depends on who you're renting from and what their policies are.  Also, you don't give us your credit score.

    Some property owners don't check credit at all - simply a phone call to your previous landlord is enough.  Others do a credit check but are only looking for serious issues like bankruptcy or evictions.  Some property owners will accept tenants with a not so great credit score and history if they're willing to pay a higher deposit.  Then there are those companies that won't rent to anyone with a credit score of 650.

  5. sorry credit repair is a scam,it can't be fixed by a gimmick ,best thing for you is to get everything out of arrears and keep it that way ,that is the only legal way to repair your credit.........tom

  6. Before you sign up with a credit repair company, read this first:

    You will also be inundated with responders recommending credit repair companies.  Just remember, there isn't any way to remove legitimate derogatory items from your credit file.  Save you money and use it to pay off your debts.

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