
How can I repel cats from my yard?

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I live in a small terranced house and my neighbours have got 14 cats!!! They use my yard as a bathroom if you know what I mean... I Have tried various cat repelents but nothings working, any suggestions?




  1. My sister uses orange peels and I've also heard that moth balls work.

  2. Shooing away any animal is cruel. Continue to let them urinate everywhere in your yard, and than both you and the cats can be happy.

  3. chuck water at them we used to have a cat that pooped in our garden and after we sprayed it with the hose it hasn't come back.

  4. Buy a dog lol

    No but seriously you can get an ultra sonic device that emits a high pitched sound when anything approaches it - it works on a pir system and apparently they are very good.

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