
How can I request my birth certificate in Germany?

by  |  earlier

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I born in Erfurt Germany in 1979 and i'm going to be there next week, I need to know where can i request my birth certificate, how much it will cost and how long will take the process.

Thank You




  1. go to a place in erfurt thats called rathaus and ask for your birth certificate ( in german its geburtsurkunde) just bring your id or/and your passport. if you cant find it then try a place called standesamt. wish you luck!!!

  2. You have to go to the so-called Standesamt there. They can give you a German and an international version. I#m not sure anymore but I think it was like €15 each.

  3. You can go to the Standesamt Erfurt directly or you also can print out your the order form oneline under: then fill it out and mail it there.

  4. Try contacting the Standesamt

  5. Geh zum rathaus in erfurt. Die Geburtsurkunde kostet etwa 15 euro.. Die kannst du dann sofort mit nehmen. Nimm deinen pass mit.

  6. the  city  should  have  a  website:  (I  guess)

    find  the  city  offices  and  write  an  email or  call.

    I  had  similar  questions to  other  cities  and  always  received  answers,  of  cours  it  helps  IF  you  can  write  German!

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