
How can I respond politely to a client who backed out on a deal ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm so furious that after this customer wasted so much of my time she decided to back out on a deal. But I'd like to respond to her politely in a professional manner...

Actually I'm also a little thankful that this deal didn't go through because I'm not making a lot of money anyway. (can i say this? )




  1. Don't waste your time and energy on trying to win her. You have to focus on future prospective clients. Chances are that she might come back to you. This has happened to my husband before.  You did the best you could, just let things go from there. If you seem pushy or cocky, she might not consider you again. Just reply, "Thank you for your time, let me know if I can be of service to you in the future."

  2. no, be professional.  

    you could say you are sorry that you cannot do busniess for her and ask how you could better serve in the future.  your professionalism may be rewarded by recommendations in the future.

  3. You can say it to yourself.  Never, never burn a bridge.  That is what you would be doing.  Tell her you understand and just stay in touch.  Times are tough, but let her know you will be there if she changes her mind.  

  4. "It seems to me that we've reached a standstill"


    can we still be friends?

  5. Have your lawyer politely respond to her.

  6. I would just let her know your sorry that you can not be of service to her at this time.  Ask her how you could better serve her in the future (this way you can find out why she is backing out possibly).  Let her know that you would still like to service her in the future if needed, etc. You want to be kind so that you keep your good standing.  Without knowing the reason she is backing out you don't want to come of mean because she may change her mind in the future or recommend you to someone else.  You never know. You should always always always remain professional no matter what the situation.  Sometimes it is very very hard to do so, but it is a big must. Good Luck!

  7. there is not a d**n thing you can do

    a deals not a deal until its a deal as they saying goes

    back out gracefully, maybe they will come back

    this happened to me once

    I got shafted by a client at the last minute

    I was very polite

    six months later they came back and said the other people who were much cheaper never returned phone callas and were a pian in the ***

    take the high ground

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