
How can I respond to my husband with so much on my mind?

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I've had alot on my mind lately, and my husband has been great. He is truly God sent. But the other night when he was trying to kiss me and stuff, I was not at all excited. I didn't deny him, but there was no passion. How can I learn to take a break from thinking to love my husband?




  1. just remember this...if it wont matter in five year's time it doesn't matter now, and every time you start to worry say this to yourself.

  2. hit a joint

  3. I think it needs to be an effort on both of your parts. I would talk to him and make sure he understands you have a lot on your mind right now, sometimes it is good to just take a break from s*x. But I also think you need to let your husband comfort you. Does he know what makes you feel good? It is easier to let things slip for a little while when you are enjoying yourself. Husbands need reminders that women like to be seduced :)

  4. sweetie, the best thing to do is too just "Let Go" and run you some hot bubble bath while listening to some soft music. try this maybe twice a week. I know it may be hard for you to focus on your husband but trust me this is the best way to bring that passion back. just let him massage you and picture yourself on another island. but bring him with you. try not to let your worries get the best of you, that's when you spouse starts to feel like it's them....  

  5. Well, I think you have to get at the root of what is worrying you so much.  When you learn how to deal with that, then you'll be better able to clear your mind.  

  6. The one good thing is that you care enough to ask!  Just talk to him and let him know you are going through something right now and that you are very distracted.  Always reassure him that you love him and that you miss him when hes not around.  Do not let it get to the point where he has to complain about it.  If hes as good as you say he is, don't wait until you hurt his feelings.  Remeber s*x is a very sensitive topic for everyone.  You need to let him know before things get worse.  It sounds like hes the type that will understand and even try to help you through it.  Good luck.

  7. I totally feel your frustration (I'm going through the same thing).  I tell my hubby I have a lot on my mind and worried/depressed/frustrated etc, and he respects that.  Of course sometimes a little roll in the hay helps me feel better!

  8. Learn to let things go. Worrying and thinking about things are not going to solve it.  

  9. This issue should not be pushed aside.  Sounds like you may not be attracted to your hubby sexually.  Maybe you should trying talking to a counselor or a close friend. The real reason for not feelings passionate may arise to the surface.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  10. just tell him you have a lot going on and no thanks, he loves you and should respect that!

  11. Whatever is on your mind must be compared with the importance to the s*x act on the part of both mates.  Consider this.  whatever is on your mind -  can you simplify or change whatever problem your mind in concentrating and dealing on - is it worth it - if you don't satisfy your mate, somebody else will.  Man is not like woman in that regard.  Men think functionally whereas women typically think affectionately as well as emotionally.  There is no right or wrong, just different.  Realizing this should prepare your mind how to react or act.  If risking your relationship with your worries is worth the potential price, go for it.  But it usually isn't.  Think on this:  worry or overly concern will not have any benefit as relates to solving any problem.  In fact, it will create more and/or different problems for you to worry about.  As an example, if your mate cheats in order to satisfy their sexual desires,  how many people are involved within the process and confinement of the hurts?  Is it worth it, because you can't change anything by worrying anyway.  Have fun with each other and stop worrying.  Remember that you decide what issues you will worry about.  Nobody can make you worry or stop worrying about what  you want to worry about.  So, it's up to each person to control their thinking, regardless of all issues and circumstances.  We all have the capacity to make decisions.  Some we consider good, some we consider not as good.  But indecision is never acceptable.  As a matter of fact, what appears to be an indecision, actually is a decision.  In other words, you made a decision not to make a decision.  Each being and constutes a cognitive decision.  Take responsibility of your own actions and invest in your future by understanding the needs and wants of each other and do your very best to cooperate and oblige each other's desires, sexual and carnal.  It's fun.  It works.  Be at peace, love and have a lot of meaningful, physically involved s*x and relax.  Or may you should relax first, then  you can have meaningful and lasting s*x with your mate so somebody else won't.  Good luck.

  12. he is your husband pour you heart out to him tell him whats on your mind and only then you will be able to feel passion and love

  13. First ask yourself why you´ve got so much on your mind? Is it something good, just busy, or something that´s bothering you real bad. Whatever it is just tell him, be honest and he´ll understand. It´s better to tell your husband, honey I´´m not into it because I´ve got so much in my mind such as...rather than lying to him that you´ve got a headache.

    Truth is, sometimes we´re wrapped up in our own worlds and can´t get out of it. Nothing can turn us on and we feel weird about it. But it´s completely normal to go through that sometimes.

    Or it can also be that you need a change of sexual rutine. Unconcously you might be bored with the way things have been presenting and maybe if you change rooms or time or place, your husband might actually do it for you!

    Talk to him. I´m sure he´ll burst out of ideas. He won´t want you like this for very long, believe me, he´ll figure something out.

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