
How can I reuse/recycle old bell boots?

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We have countless ripped velcro bell boots lying around and it costs more to have them repaired than it does to just buy a new set. I'm trying to find a new use for them, any ideas?




  1. Could you stitch them together and make a make-shift poll protector for trailering?

    Wrap them around exposed poles/bars/beams, anywhere horse or human might bang their heads or limbs?

  2. if you jump you could put them on a pole and jump them to help desynsitize your horse.

  3. PH- excellent answers! I was going to suggest raping them around point or poles or something? She beat me to it!!

    Hmm what else.. Man, I don't know! lmao That's a toughy.

  4. We use the velcro to fix flymasks that have had their velcro torn off of them. We also attach old velcro to grooming items and staple-gun the other side to the stall doors or next to them, so we don't have hoofpicks and brushes lying around in the way.

    We also have tack-blocks that swing up to sit against the wall to hold saddles, and if those are tilted too much, we duct-tape the rubber to the wall-side of the block to level it out when it's set up.

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