
How can I reword this poem?

by Guest63674  |  earlier

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Morning is

a new sheet of paper

for you to write on.

Whatever you want to say,

all day,

until night

folds it up

and files it away.

The bright words and the dark words

are gone

until dawn

and a new day

to write on.

I don't need a summary of this poem, but I need for someone to try and "reword" each stanza. Thanks!




  1. Blank paper rest beneath the  ink filled pin

    from the invisible world of mind

    words appear before my eyes

    a new days journal begins

    words from last nights dreams

    and of wondering what this day brings

    as the paper comes to life

    her partner mr pen freely writes

    with out regard each and every detail

    for the moment there task complete

    once again soon they shall meet

    and memories of the day shall say

    it is time once again

    to share the story's with you my Friend

  2. Every morning is a clean slate.

    From sunrise, every word and thought are recorded

    Until sunset, when the slate is put away.

    Every word, dark or bright, are gone for the night

    Until a new slate to write on comes with the new dawn.

  3. Morning is

    a great moment

    a new place.

    Can you count the morning birds,

    they fly,

    until night

    sneaks up

    and takes them away.

    The new beginning is new again

    and we

    can all

    be like

    birds tommorow.

    Is that what you mean? Hope that helps.

  4. Personally, I think that it is a well stanza d poem.

    I feel it...just the way it was written...

    It has a certain sense of ... continuity...interesting...and

    I really like it.

    I really like the way it's written as well.

    Just because it is not perfectly metered doesn't mean it isn't a good poem.

    I love it.

    Write a book or something and publish it so I can read it.

  5. Early in each day

    Is a new beginning

    make what you want of it, and evening will put an end to it, the good and the bad all cleared for a fresh start.

    And the next day, start over again.

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