
How can I ride a horse if I can't afford riding lessons?

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My sister and I are both horse crazy. We both also want learn to ride, but riding lessons are just so expensive! Please, is there anyone out there who is or was in the same situation as my sister and I? If so, please feel free to answer this question... it would help so much! Thanks!




  1. Put an ad in your local newspaper or a free online ad in an internet-based ad directory, i.e. craigslist, thrifty nickel ads.  Say you will do horse chores like cleaning stalls, bathing, and grooming in exchange for horseback riding lessons (tell whether english or western).  Be forewarned though, mucking/cleaning stalls can be a difficult task(especially if not frequently maintained) and might leave your back sore for a few days, but it'll be worth it in the end!  Also, make sure a parent or guardian is with you for your first meeting(to make sure it's legit), especially if you are comminucating by internet only.  If you aren't able to do horse chores in exchange for lessons, try babysitting to earn the money or have a yard sale.  Hope that helps!

  2. Hi,

    i worked at a place where for every 8 hours of riding i would get a free lesson or trail ride. Check around local stables where you are to see if there are any programs like that.

  3. If you know someone that has horses and they may not have time to always ride maybe you could offer to help them out with some chores at the bard in exchange for riding.

  4. ask at your local stables, they usually allow people too help out with chores like mucking out, bringing in and out and grooming this way not only will you get lessons but you'll also get alot of experience.

  5. Work at a stable in exchange for lessons or get a job.

    Its hard work but if you want it bad enough- you'll be able to get it.

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