
How can I ride a horse with my period?

by Guest33656  |  earlier

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i'm going for a trail ride and i have my period, can i still ride? how?




  1. Yes, you can. A tampon may be more comfortable but you shouldn't have any trouble with a pad

  2. Use a tampon.

  3. Yeah you can still ride.

    Wear a tampon and a pad. When you have worn your tampon for long enough (6 hrs) take it out and then you have your pad as back up! :D

    If the trail is not going to be longer than 6 hrs just wear the tampon and pad the whole time.

    (Wear them the same way you would if you wore them alone.)

  4. I ride horses everyday and my period doesn't bother me as long as you wear a tampon/pad.  

  5. It should not affect your riding at all. Actually its good to stay active during your period. Studies have shown it helps with cramps. Plus riding will help get your mind off how crappy and PMSing you feel.

    Yeah, and use a tampon (but a use a pad a backup too). Nothing worse than having an embarrassing leak. But hey, we have all been there.

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