
How can I rig the phone at work to dial out?

by  |  earlier

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They use to be set up to call out,but now all you can do is call ext inside the plant.At one time they use to have a code.and there are a couple that still work now.




  1. Try dialing 9, wait for the dial tone, and dial??? There has to be someway to the outside world, or they're violating FCC policy. What would happen if the plant fell into terrorist hands? you'd have to be able to call 911.

  2. You cant 'rig' the phone if its connected to a interface at your job. You'd have to change the interface and I doubt you want to do that...

    On the other hand, I'm sure there is a code that you can type into the phone but the person that handles the interface would know. Or the managers

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