
How can I run faster?

by  |  earlier

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I am not new to running, I actually play soccer, volleyball, and basketball and run track. I just want to know what I can do to become super fast in my track races.




  1. Well u didnt state what events u do, but for distance, go long. u want to run long distances to get ur lung capacity and ur endurance up. Then, u want to do speed work like 400m sprints and fast 800m intervals. This will get u strong, in shape, and ur endurance up.

    Im distance, but i do sprint some. The basics:

    Stay on your toes.

    Stand straight up, dont hunch.

    Pump your arms.

    Keep your eyes and head straight ahead, not too high(slows u down greatly),not too low(u will stumble and fall)

    Breathe! Dont hold ur breath or hesitate to breathe.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Train hard over summer. If possible, run with your team-mates. It will keep you motivated and you can all help eachother at the same time. Focus on mileage for the first half of summer...speed does not matter at this moment, only accumulating miles. For the second half of the summer, go less miles but increase the speed. Throught the summer, dedicate at least one day a week to hills. Do repeat hills at your own pace, increase the speed as you feel more confortable, a slow jog down the hill is your recovery. As track season gets closer, focus a lot on your speed, form, and times.

    Hope this helps =]

  3. Running short distances only comes naturally.  Your either fast, or your not.  To be a bit faster, here are some things you can do:

    ~Tuck in your shirt

    ~Wear cleats (or some other professional shoe)

    ~Eat and drink water 30-20 minutes before the race


    ~Take 10 deep breaths before your sprint

    ~Don't look behind you lol

    ~Have confidence!

    Good Luck=)

  4. keep your arms close to your biceps

    with your hands dont have a tight grip

    take more short steps (your pelvis has to work harder when taking longer steps)

    make sure your running strait

    practice runnig up a hill and it will make your legs stronger

  5. just think about it and start moving your legs faster. leaning forward helps too.
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