
How can I run my mile under 6 minutes?

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Right now I run my mile in 7:49. Also I have intill november.

When I run a lot i get craps by my ribs and what should I do?




  1. This is what I do:

    Practice. There's a certain method I use, by starting at a certain point, running for about thirty or forty feet, walking for 10, running for 30-40 feet, walking for 10 and continuing until you don't have to walk for long. Practice makes perfect. Also, it's good to jog when you're not as energetic as you usually are.

    By the way, nice time for the mile. ;)

  2. Drink a lot of water about 1 hour or so b4 u go to run. When you get cramps run with your hands over ur head

  3. A six minute mile is really fast. You might want to break this huge goal into smaller pieces - like running a 7 minute mile by August. It's all about training if you want to be faster. Do speed workouts, intervals, tempo runs, etc. ( is a great resource) You will become a stronger runner soon. I deal with cramps by doing sit ups before I run and eating something I can easily digest (cereal) about an hour before running. Don't over do it though, you may get injured. Good luck!

  4. easy solution.

    run each of the 4 laps in 89.9 seconds. and you will break 6

  5. Try training by running a little bit every day. your body will get used to runningand will allow you to run longer, faster, and better.

    If you get cramps put your hands on your head. it will help expand your lungs so you can breathe easier and your cramp will go away.

  6. building your endurance is the only are probably dehydrated, and maybe you are not breathing correctly...I.E To much mouth your nose out your mouth...and keep your hands low so your not scrunching your torso!

  7. vary between running & sprinting in your routine.

  8. I'll be honest, I don't think much of these suggestions are going to get you a mile time of under 6 minutes.  The main suggestions are to  1. Run and 2. Run more.

    Neither of those are going to make you much faster.

    You need a specific regimen that you KNOW will get you a faster mile time.

    Lets establish a couple things first.

    1. What a 6 minute mile time pace is.  Figure out the pace you need to complete a 6 minute mile.

    Break it down into 1/2 mile, 1/4 mile.

    2. Start training to achieve that pace.  Start running at your desired 6 minute pace and run as far as you can at that pace.  Lets assume you can do 1/2 a mile at that 6 minute pace.

    First  workout, you are going to run your 1/2 a mile + 100 meters at your six minute mile pace, then finish out your mile.

    Second workout.  Run your 1/2 mile + 200 meters at your six minute mile pace and finish out your  mile.

    Third Workout.  Run your 1/2 mile + 300 meters..........

    This will keep you from mindless pointless running  Just running might make your more fit but not faster which is your goal.  This is training you to be faster.  You are slowly adding just a little bit more distance at that 6 minute mile pace.  You may have workouts you cannot get that extra 100 meters.  No problem.  Reduce it down to 50 or 25 until you get past that barrier.

    If you plan a good regimen, it will do far more than just running to run.  Make sure you plot out your pace and how far you need to go each time to make sure you are teaching your body to adjust and go faster.

    Also, don't forget do some pure speed drills like 100 meters every couple of days.

    You also need to do more core work on your body.  Everything goes through your midsection.  On your off days do some core work on your abs and back muscles.  Plenty of workouts online to suite your needs.

  9. the main thing is practice. start running every other day with only two to three miles and you will see your time inproving eventually.

  10. i don't know where you are...but run somewhere with lower altitude and no humidity like california

  11. yo im in 7th grade and i run a mile in 5:50.  all i do is eat a healthy diet, run and practice, and pace myself when im running.

  12. do your best to run through any pains you get. even try thinking of something else as you run. also, keep your mind focused on nothing but the finish line. go as fast as you can and if you are running against someone else, pase them and pass them. breath calm and easy with even breathes. this way, you let the air go through you making it harder to cramp up. keep your arms moving to avoid other pains. get yourself into it.

    good luck and i hope i helped!! =]

  13. the night before you run in the morning hydrate drink lots of water. when you train dont run every day instead do upper body exercises on days yu dont run. when you run keep your head up straight looking forward this will allow you to breath easy.

    apply sprinting in your training.

  14. There are a lot of good websites with information about improving your times and training.  You might want to spring for some money to get a couple of sessions with a professional coach to get some ideas.

    I recommend  They have great articles about all 3 disciplines.

  15. Practice everyday. Run more than 1 mile a day and then when you start to do your mile, all you'll have to work at is your speed. Practice on treadmills when it gets close to your meets (though not the same week) and try to get under 6 minutes. This year I got 6:44 for city! (7th grade) It was my best time ever, I was sooo happy! Good luck! :]

  16. cramps are acids getting stuck in you- this will happen for weeks if not months until you are physically fit.  After that the cramps will go away and you will be a fast runner.

    Good luck

  17. OK first of all its until not intill. second of all cramps are not caused by acid getting stuck in you, it is caused by lack of oxygen so learn how to correctly breathe while you are running. and third get out and run, everyday, you can start out slow by just taking a slow jog around the block but stick with it. don't be lazy.

  18. the best i ran a mile was 6:40. you just got to practice, and when you get a cramp you run through and not stop. stopping is the worst thing you can do, it does eventually go away.

  19. sip water beforee you go running but not right befor during the morning sip water if you are going in the after noon push yourself keep your mind on the goal you can do it good luck

  20. Start slow.... Don't try for 6 minutes right away. As  soon as you get used to running a mile your time will decrease. It is all about the 3 P's. Patience, Practice, and Persistence.

  21. A six minute mile is just about Olympic range....So you must train harder.

    The best way to achieved that level is to contact a personal sport medicine doctor...they will give you the right diet for your body type and exercise need it to get to your goal.

  22. well cramps will go away after you get running more distance but i am in cross country and i know how to cut time...

    1. run everyday at slow pace

    2.after a you feel good running a slow pace take it a lil faster and so on...

    after awhile you will relize a mile is easy and who knows maybe it will get under the 6min mark

    also don't think of running take a ipod or a good topic to think about..cuz when you think about of running you get more tired..

    best of luck

  23. if youre getting cramps it would be that youve eaten just b4 running. (your body is fighting over your blood)

    all you can do is practice. every other day just sprint as long as you can cuz when youre running & get tired your body will move into cruise control (what your body is used to running) so get used to running fast. i'm at 5:29

  24. all it takes is practice and a variety of runs...for example take one day where you work on 200's (meter) another day is distance day like 7-8 miles but go slow...and 3 days should be regular speed...and take other days off....too much practice will hurt you...good luck

  25. well u can do interval workouts. like do 4 400 3 200 2 100 etc. even tho it seems like u got plenty of time to get ur mile time below 6 minutes, it might not happen. u have to be physically and mentally fit to get ur mile time below 6 minutes, but if u are and train real hard during the summer then u might get ur time below 6 minutes.

  26. run, run, run

  27. practice all summerrr.

  28. cramps*? like.. stitch?

    to avoid this you should be well hydrated, however at least an hour to a few hours before you run, drink a lot of water, not immediately before hand.

    STRETCHING. stitches / cramps come about because when you run, blood quickly paces around your body and leaves the organs such as liver, kidney, spleen, causing them to ache as the blood is elsewhere (this is one theory).

    however if you to alot of stretching beforehand, your muscles will warm up and blood will be where it needs to be in much more even quanitites. remember to stretch your stomach muscles aswell, calves, back, thighs, everywhere =] just learn how to do some proper running stretches before you run. a few weightless squats beforehand to get your heart pumping is good aswell.

    be well hydrated and stretch thoroughly! thats all it take

    DONT eat anywhere upto 2-3 hours befhorehand! make sure your stomach is EMPTY.

    best thing to do is wake up, have a bowl of roalled oats and cornflakes and banana, (cereal, however u want it), drink of juice, then digest entirely. this will give your body suppliment.

    then 2-3 hours later go for your run, drink lots of water between breakfast and an hour after breakfast.

    if you do these things, i guarantee your cramps will be no more.

    as for cutting down on the time, once your not cramping just start running a bit faster, keep at it every day or couple of days etc. i started out not even being able to run a k o.O now i can run over 3 easily.

  29. i would say run fast in the soft sand at the beach and that builds endurance, strength, and speed. but to get rid of the cramps make sure u dont drink or eat to much before u eat and make sure u r well hydrated and eating healthy.

  30. practise

  31. Practice

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