
How can I safely bathe my baby?

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My husband has always helped me bathe our son. Now he is working full time and I must do it myself. My 6 month old cannot sit up by himself and is very very wiggly in the mini tub we bought him. I am afraid he might slip and get hurt without Hubby there helping me. He usually holds baby steady while I soap him up and wash him. Suggestions?




  1. I do have a couple suggestions... one you could bathe w/ him. I enjoy taking baths with my son... the only draw back is that he wiggles so much that I feel I am going to drop him (especially when he is soapy!)... SO

    I bought a Bumbo seat at wal-mart (at target also). IT holds babys up that cant sit on their own. I use it for MANY things... you can sit this in the tub with a little bit of water and wash him this way... or it sqeezes in the sink and you can wash him there... I am not sure how your son loves the water... but my son goes crazy for the water the flows out of the faucet... I now when I am making dinner take off his clothes and put him in his bumbo seat and put him in the sink and he LOVES it... He cannot wiggle out of it so its perfect! The bumbo seat is not a bath tub... but is a seat and its only about $40... you can take it to the beach to seat him up on the sand... or take it anywhere its light and easy to use! (you can also buy a tray for it to put toys on it)

  2. well if u can put the mini tub in the kitchen sink he wont that's how i use to bathe my daughter when she was that age

  3. We have one of those special baby bath reclining seats ( I got it from Toys R Us), and it works a treat. We have a double shower, so I take my son in with me. He has his shower on, and I have mine. He loves it, and I find that it is a lot more safer than his baby bath (he is a wiggly baby too). The same chair can be used in the bath.  

  4.     Why don't you wait until dad comes home from work to give the bath?  This would also give him a little bonding time with the child.

  5. Rub a dub dub mom and bub in the big tub.

  6. grab the baby under his arm and run your hand under his neck and head so he is gonna be restin on ya hand and it will be easier if u slighly rest him down into the tub that always work for me

    but they are suppose to teach all those stuff before you leave the hospital

  7. Wow, your hubby has done this with you for 6 months. That is almost unheard of. Congrats.

    But now chalk it up mom. You can do this.

    Start from the beginning. As with a newborn to get comfy with yourself.

    In the baby tub start with enough water he can still lay on his back.

    Have everything you need there before you even start.

    This could take a few minutes. Because normaly I bet hubby or yourself went to get things when one forgot something. Now it is all you.

    Put on some soft music. To relax both of you. Pick a time of the day that he is more relaxed and so are you.

    Enjoy yourself. And relax. That is key.

    Congrats on the little one and having a hubby so grand.

  8. We have a contoured sponge that she lays on in the big tub. It was cheap - about $6 I think, at Wal-Mart - and it's much safer than those silly, wobbly baby tubs. It's also more compact, doesn't take up a lot of space, and is easy to clean, so I'm happy with it. Good luck.

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