
How can I safely burn plants under controlled conditions?

by Guest31767  |  earlier

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How can I safely burn plants under controlled conditions? This is for an ecological experiment.

I am trying to create a flammability system of different variety of plants.

What I have in mind is hold the plant (bark/leaf) in tongs and hold it exactly 5cm above a candle (consistent flame) which is inside some sort of box.




  1. Under control and ecologically friendly hmm, need a good anti shatter container that absorbs heat and not explode, place a small gas line thru the bottom inside container will be a fire proof mesh or grill drop the plant/leaf inside ash is then saved and spread on plants, good for the eco system, can be small to large, like burners from BBQ's

  2. How about vapourising !

    Heat with no flame. Complete control over temperature and no flame to burn just heat that only combusts objects once their combustable temp is reached.

    Vapourisers are used mainly by cannabis smokers.

    e.g. the volcano.

  3. Hold plant with tongs approx. 5 cm above flame(consistent) inside some type of box.  

    Good luck, Bro.

  4. Realise that growing plants and dead plants will burn differently.

    Having different masses of each plant would also effect it as different masses will burn at different rates (heat distribution)

    Candles will contaminate the tree as some non-burnt wax will adhere to the bark/leaf/stick and increase its flamability (put a metal plate above a candle and you will see this wax residue)

    Candles are also inaccurate flames, you need a constant sized flame for accurate results.

    Use instead a bunsen burner or other gas burning flame, gas burns almost 100% and will not effect your experiment to any great detail if you use the same size flame each time.

    Burning inside a box will cause smoke to gather, thereby reducing flamability becasue Oxygen is reduced. Stay outside the box, but in a room with no wind, and good ducts. Also make sure it is safe.

    Note: An experiment like this should best be left to do in a laboratory where safety is adhered to.

    Make sure to wear safety glasses, use a bench mat, and have a bucket of sand nearby (for fires). A quick stop for gas is also recommended.

    Do not handle fire under age of 18 without an adult supervising.


    "Bro's Bro" quote of:

    "That is too funny, I am also trying to create a flammability system of different variety of plants. I have a great system for controlled burning, but clearly I can't help out a botany competitor. Good luck with the whole "candle" idea though."

    This is very unscientific... as a freelance botanist and fellow scientist i would think you would be a part of the scientific community and encourage advancement in your field of research. Sharing ideas and encouraging advancement is part of being a scientist. Science is not about making a name for yourself.

  5. That is too funny, I am also trying to create a flammability system of different variety of plants.  I have a great system for controlled burning, but clearly I can't help out a botany competitor.  Good luck with the whole "candle" idea though.

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