
How can I safely live in a house filled with Republicans if I'm a Democrat?

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I can't stand it!




  1. You can't. You must move to China, North Korea or Cuba immediately to be among friends!

  2. Move, pay taxes, pay rent, then you may join them as a Republican who is tired of paying out hand outs for people who refuse to work.

  3. They're idiots,someone has to take care of them.

  4. If you were a republican in a den of democrats, you would have cause to worry.

  5. Try being a fetus. They'll look after you.

  6. kill'em! I know they are card carying members of the NRA, there are bound to be guns laying around.

  7. Convert to republicanism.

  8. Honestly i'm right there with you i once got majorly grounded because i disagreed with on of bush's positions. I'm a major democrat and my entire family are republican. I find that the best way to handle it is not to discuss it with your family.  Find someone else to talk politics with. i don't even live with my mom and i won't talk to her about it basically you just need to find another outlet to discuss you political view.

    Find a friend who you can talk to about politics. It's always more fun because it's harmless it a good way to learn more about your friend a find discuss whats going on.

  9. If they are incapable of respecting your opinion or tolerating your views, then I suggest you just remain quiet until the first Tuesday in November.  Either they will be very happy and your views won't matter to them, or you can tell them "Awww.. I'm so sorry your guy didn't win."

  10. move , oh that's right your a Democrat, they're paying the bills

  11. OH GEEZ!  make sure you sleep with one eye open like I do in my house.

  12. Republicans are like retarded toddlers just turn on the cartoon chanel that will keep them occupied indefinitely.

  13. Yea they are a bunch of jealous, hate filled, ranting group.. lol Good luck

  14. Then why don't you educate yourself and become a Republican? Ignorance is not bliss. Wise up.

  15. Maybe you should stop trying to discuss policies and issues.It will just confuse you when they start to make sense and you don't agree.

  16. I know how you feel.

    My dad always had some hard right wing republican talk show on the radio when ever we would go any where in his truck. I didn't tell him that I was a democrat. I think he had some idea because he was always trying to convince me on some of the issues.

    Don't tell them?

    I really don't know what to say. Except that you should read liberal blogs (or headzup on YouTube) to keep from falling for their propaganda.

  17. Register as an independent and try to stay impartial..all though..>I do that...and oddly enough I find myself voting repub this time around.

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