
How can I safetly advertise my services???

by  |  earlier

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I babysit, and I hand out cards to people I know but I want to babysit for more people. I don't want some creep to get my number and harass me over the phone, so how can I advertise safetly?????????????????????????




  1. 1.Try to make a blog. on this case, you need to have a targeted visitor on your place.

    2. Find people on internet who live on your city.

    3. Use social networking web service to socialize and find people on specific area.

  2. Give your cards to people at your church or ask them to pass them on to their friends.

  3. Do a good job, then at the end of the babysitting time smile at your employer and give them a couple of cards. You'll get reccomended to their friends, as they are most likely to know others who need a babysitter, then they'll reccomend, and pretty soon you'll wish you don't have to turn down so many people.

  4. Does your church have a bulletin board?  If so, you can put your card there.  Teachers sometimes need baby sitters, too, and are looking for responsible sitters they can trust - - if they already know you then so much better.  Before you sit for anyone make sure your parents have checked them out thoroughly and approve!  Also, make sure your parents know where you are and how long you will be there.

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